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for Harry Black Book 2: The Rising Darkness

1/2 c14 briarni58
I've had to think hard before posting this review because I really wanted to finish all four books. I thoroughly enjoyed book one and was looking forward to book 2. So I get 14 chapters into book2 and two of my "red lines" are crossed. Harry Potter becomes a whining TWAT and Dumbledore start's manipulations. I want to see Harry Potter destroy DE and Dumbledore support him not wade through chapters of angst. Sorry I'm out.
11/26/2024 c34 1Inverted Logic
Looks like this is the greatest piece of fanfiction ever. I read this story when it was published and still haven't found a single better one to this date.
Keep up the great work!
10/12/2024 c14 Keres47
Krum creepy going after someone 3-4 years younger thsn him
9/23/2024 c12 kawasaki1298
And why would harry whos in a relationship let lavender hold onto his arm and not take care of it himself, not wait for daphne to do it for him
4/9/2024 c15 Guest
Unbreakable Vows are 100% cannon it stated in the books that Fred and George tried to get Ron to make one as a kid fairly early in the series Snape made one as a major part of Half Blood Prince and Harry could easily make one stating his innocence but as you said boring and even if he did no one ever claimed you had to enter yourself its likely that it would be a case of allowing people to submit who they think would be candite for three school when the goblet was first made
1/24/2024 c3 RoBrCh
I am glad to see you using a "simple plot line." That should improve the quality of your writing and decrease the amount of editing you need to do.

Does it seem to work that way to you?
12/29/2023 c33 Myrrdin storm
Type your review know :book 2 is very the RETURN OF RIDDLE Keep being the best
12/7/2023 c12 1Anna Doherty
I think you’re a great writer and then horrible people saying you’re not. I just read it ignore them. I am enjoying your books and I’m looking forward to listening to the rest of them cause I’m blind so I have to listen to them not to read them anymore if there’s anything you don’t understand in this review, it’s because I have to dictate them and they don’t always understand what you say so they substitute the word but I think you’re wonderful writer don’t let them horrible people that do you think I need . Anna.
10/3/2023 c17 1Rogue Shinigami
Aint gonna lie but Michael acts like shikamaru
7/19/2023 c35 ThermiteHawk
So I’m not sure why you cant post the rewrite as a new story on this account. (Like you have done already). I love the series and want to read what you have written but. I read these stories on mobie. From what i have found ao3 and most of the other platforms are not great for reading on a smartphone so I would prefer you stay on ffThe issue with starting a new account is that the following you have on this one already may have some difficulty finding the other account. In the end its up to you as the author, but i think ots best you stay on ff. net and post the updated stories on this account.
6/14/2023 c5 Silver Wolf
Hey, so far (c5) I like the story.

I do have some questions to all authors of stories like this one: why is it no one considers it a state of war? They all act as if it was a policing situation; in my book a rebellion of that amplitude is an act of war.

Also, when you're in a fight, u fight to incapacitate, and kill if necessary. And you use all types of weapons. INCLUDING MUGGLE ONES.

Finally, when you protect, you do it with the intention to maim, or else you LOSE.
6/14/2023 c21 Cipher301
There we fucking go. Claire x Michael for the win
6/14/2023 c8 Cipher301
At this point, I’m rooting for Claire and Michael. Susan can cry in a corner idec
6/14/2023 c7 Cipher301
Damn ok Claire is a G then
4/29/2023 c32 santos.luis.contato
Not only Cedric... You kill Kreacher too? wtf is wrong with you!
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