Just In
for The Propriety Failure

10/17/2024 c3 2elleminnowpee
I thought I was losing my mind while reading on Kindle Unlimited. I was like 'huh this plot sounds familiar'. Then I read some of it and knew I had read it before. Glad to see one of my favorite P&P writers is now publishing their work!
8/29/2024 c3 konarciq
Good to see you back here - I missed your particular brand of humour!
8/26/2024 c3 AGreyFantail
Purchased! Thank you for writing.
8/26/2024 c1 Guest
Amazing First chapter!
8/25/2024 c4 Lost Username
I'm joining the chorus of those enthusiastically welcoming you back, Wade. I hope this indicates either successful completion or at least significant progress toward recovery from your injury. This is still a great story, so success on Kindle will likely be another reason for celebration. :-)
8/25/2024 c1 Marana99
Just bought the Kindle version, love your writing
8/25/2024 c1 WatcherOfStories
Welcome back to this forum, Wade.

Thank you for this story, I thoughly enjoyed reading it. I hope it will be as successful on Kindle as it was here.
8/25/2024 c1 Mrslove
Not on KU yet. Hope it is released soon.
8/25/2024 c3 HeathMoors
8/25/2024 c1 1FireRose77
This is your second published story! Congrats!
8/24/2024 c1 Marana99
I cant find it either on KU and am watching for it
8/24/2024 c3 Imbravo
Another published book from Wade! Don't see it on KU yet. Will you be doing an Audible?
8/24/2024 c1 Katherine Dissmore
Welcome back. I hope that you are doing better. What is the title going to be? I want to make sure that I get it ,
8/24/2024 c3 3DW.618
You are back in the land of the living! Welcome home! I hope your recovery is going well.
8/24/2024 c1 mowergal
I'm purchasing this one right now. A masterpiece!
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