Just In
for The Faker's Trials

5/3/2023 c7 e10620ac
moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooore noooooooooooooooooooooow plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
12/9/2022 c7 Darth Kyuubi Bugge
Please continue this it’s amazing
7/29/2022 c1 Guest
This type of POV always ruins immersion into a story.
6/18/2022 c7 ManticoreBlues
love the story so far, looking forward to the next update
2/10/2022 c7 Fuyuky
Loving this so far, why not continue?
1/10/2022 c6 Guest
This is good
11/21/2021 c5 3TheCyanNinja
This chapter is like sandpaper. So. Much. Stalling.
11/5/2021 c7 Brother Bov
excellent story my friend, i greatly enjoy your work, ill await the next chapter patiently.
Brother sergeant Bov.
10/22/2021 c7 aGnamZer0
I don't think Reinforcement takes as much Od you make it look like. I can't be sure, but I'd say it's actually quite negligeable, as what is complicated is not to have to put a lot of mana but that you have to keep a good ratio. Not enough and the reinforcement barely improves your stat, too much and you tear your muscles or worst implode.

I wonder if the campers saw the explosions from Caladbolg II. They must, so I'm curious as to what they think about it.
10/22/2021 c6 aGnamZer0
In the first interrogation, towards the end it was only Chiron who asked the questions, Shirou didn't use their games to its full potential.

The most pressing question is when are we? I mean, I'd like to assume that if Shirou is 13-Fourteen, so is Percy, but I can't be sure of that. And so, did Percy already came back in time or are we not there yet?

Speaking of which, Percy mentioned they'd go to Montauk in Shirou's dream but it doesn't look like Shirou made the connection. Nor did he made the connection between the destroyed thrones in his dream and the twelve cabins.
10/22/2021 c5 aGnamZer0
About what you asked last chapter, forgot to mention, but no I don't see any issue with Shirou processing mana since it's basically how od is created, runnning mana through your circuits and converting it in od. Or so I think because honestly it's been a while since I devled into the specifics of magecraft.

I'm a little disturbed Shirou can't see the history of Bronze swords, I mean he has a few divine swords in his Reality Marble, so why couldn't he read a sword made of Celestial Bronze?

Shirou certainly made a spectacle of himself. Still it's interesting how the demigods switched from friendly to cold, calculating and wary in half a second.
10/22/2021 c4 aGnamZer0
It wasn't immediately obvious in the others chapters, but here it really unsettled me. While I prefer third person POV, I have nothing against first person one – I mean, some of the best fics and books in general are written in first person – however the use of present tense is really disturbing. Still, first person in present is certainly not something I'm used to and I can't help but focus on that.

Anyway, now we finally get into the thick of things. The thing I look forward the most for now is Shirou meeting Percy.
10/22/2021 c3 aGnamZer0
I'm on my phone so I'll be brief.

I'm so glad I continued this story! Just the training with Kuzuki already pretty much made it worth it, but the final dream scene with Percy? THAT was awesome! It's the first time I see someone do that, a protagonist who crosses into another verse where the protagonist of said verse went back in time to save the world. If not for the fact I'm a terrible writer, I always wanted to try the same, except where Naruto crossing into Bleach and Ichigo is a powerful time traveler who came back for the same reason Percy just did. I'm so eager to read more of your story! Thanks.
10/22/2021 c2 aGnamZer0
Ahah, Shirou exterminating an evil magazine that has corrupted Saber was gold!

I hadn't expected so many servants – in fact all of them – to survive the war and be in such good terms with each others. Maybe Shirou took the opportunity to train with a few of them. Like for example, copying Archer's entire Reality Marble and if he somehow managed to convince Gilgamesh – which would be a feat – his entire Gate of Babylon. And then a few fights with Lancer and Assassin and he would indeed have become much, much stronger.

Since it seems to be an alternate route, maybe in this one Kiritsugu at least managed to teach Shirou about Bounded Fields – after all that was one of his specialities, especially breaking them, but making them too.

Anyway, looks interesting.
10/21/2021 c7 nick and I
I love your story. Can't wait for continue
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