Just In
for Whumptober Fun

8/7/2020 c13 6niyuu
Yassssss do your best Dabi, save the Trouble Magnet
8/6/2020 c13 1darkpaladin89
Why is this not so hard to picture?
8/6/2020 c13 7seireidoragon
This was an awesome chapter!
8/6/2020 c13 23Altiria-Aty
omfg! this is adorable! Dabi- my heart- I didn't expect to- im dead!
8/5/2020 c13 25ilovecartoonsgirl
huh, go Dabi! I wonder if he could ever get Shouto and the others back...great emotional chapter!
7/12/2020 c12 1darkpaladin89
...Oh no. Don't break the Muffle, Aizawa.
7/3/2020 c12 7seireidoragon
This is a great continuation. I hope you plan on finishing this story line soon!
7/2/2020 c12 25ilovecartoonsgirl
Well...crap. Really great to hear from you again, but dang that ending...that's kinda intense. Great job!
7/2/2020 c12 Softballsl Girl
I really love this story idea and would love to see an actual story from you.
7/2/2020 c12 6niyuu
Yesssssss i love this premise! So glad for a continuation :)
7/2/2020 c12 18Im The Person
I really like this one. It’s unique and interesting.
4/22/2020 c11 7seireidoragon
This chapter was absolutely amazing and a perfect follow up to Stab Wound.
4/10/2020 c1 follychone
A absolutely adore chapter one
3/14/2020 c11 flyingpenguin06
Your writing is so good I can’t wait fir you to post again
3/14/2020 c4 flyingpenguin06
Please continue this one it’s so good!
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