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for the way you talk (why all the hate?)

9/9/2022 c1 Lucy
"Chat can't stop himself, he bursts out in laughter. "Jealous? Of him? What does he have to be jealous of?" He lives in a fucking prison, and the only parent he has left hasn't spoken to him in three weeks, he doesn't say."

My favorite part. This really does sound like something Adrien/Chat would say, because unlike Marinette, he does know that in reality his "perfect" life is really miserable and unhappy. For Adrien, there's nothing to be jealous of when it comes to his life.

Idk was it the intention, but this really made me hate Marinette, mainly because this really does sound like something she would do and say in the show because of her stalkerish obsession with Adrien... Chat Noir (who, ironically, is the "real" Adrien) is only being reasonable, the entire city is in danger, and she screams HE is the one who is being hateful? She really seems to take Chat for granted.

It always surprises me, the massive capacity she has to hurt him in these kinds of situations. I've seen this scenario played a couple times, and I know he will forgive her and they kiss and get together, but is it bad that I wish for once that it should not have been as immediate as it was here? That she has to work hard to make ammends like Adrien usually has to when it's him that screws up? That it doesn't take a measly "sorry" or a rushed reveal or paltry confession for him to sweep all his hurt under the rug as if her bad behaviour didn't have consequences when it comes to their relationship? Marinette really needs to grow up and learn that the world doesn't revolve around her pathetic obsession for Adrien, and she shouldn't act like a bitch. Or at least realize she is in love with the fake image of Adrien. She really needs some consequences.

"She bites her lip, and it's the cutest thing he has ever seen in his life."

I've seen this cliche so many times too, but how exactly is it cute to see someone biting her lip? I don't get it...
3/31/2022 c1 Guest
Can we expect a chapter 2?
2/26/2020 c1 Decker389
Lol, jumping to conclusions again, are we marinette? I liked it.
10/7/2019 c1 1k+KagamiPINKAgreste
I LOVE the title. Yep their both adork-able alright. Well Ladybrat's stupid fury at Cattastic Kitty Cat Noir was of course fur NOTHING! Clumsinette good you fixed things with Adrien. Plagg's Kitten so didn't deserve that backlash furom HER!
10/7/2019 c1 Other
Fun little story to read, thanks for posting it!

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