10/20/2019 c1 tank03
I really liked this- if Mike is going have a place in El's life he is going to have to make things right with Hopper, and this is a good take on that. Thank you for sharing.
Sadly, even if Hopper is alive, I don't see them moving back to Hawkins. I mean, how are they going to explain the dead police chief coming back to life?
I really liked this- if Mike is going have a place in El's life he is going to have to make things right with Hopper, and this is a good take on that. Thank you for sharing.
Sadly, even if Hopper is alive, I don't see them moving back to Hawkins. I mean, how are they going to explain the dead police chief coming back to life?
10/19/2019 c1 Resisting-Moonlight
Loving the Mike and Hopper bonding. Mike gets so nervous and jittery around him. Hops the dad. Gotta do and say the right things or he'll keep El locked up. Hoping for some Joyce and Hopper romance in Next season I refuse to believe he's dead so he has to get back and get his family back whole group is one disfunctional but awesome family in my eyes)
Loving the Mike and Hopper bonding. Mike gets so nervous and jittery around him. Hops the dad. Gotta do and say the right things or he'll keep El locked up. Hoping for some Joyce and Hopper romance in Next season I refuse to believe he's dead so he has to get back and get his family back whole group is one disfunctional but awesome family in my eyes)