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for Skywalker: Resurgent

1/3 c15 Spacestrider
This is pretty dang good. The dialogues flow and the fleshing out of a more prepared Luke and how he changes the Jedi order is cool to eee for someone who’s really only watched the movies and done light reading on fanfiction. It is kinda shocking how few stories focus on Luke instead of Darth Vader so it’s good to see a story that branched out a bit. As far as criticism goes I guess that at first it did follow canon a bit too closely with the luke/ocreincarnator playing the simple fixer of everything but even then it was still fairly i see more chapters in the future
12/19/2024 c6 mattias.akerlund.71
han is 28 and luke/leia are 16. here thats called a pedophile... always disturbed me.
12/19/2024 c4 mattias.akerlund.71
parsec is a distance, not a measure of time... if i recall it correct one parsec is 3.6LY...
11/6/2024 c8 FortunisMortis
I like it. Considering his abilities and his accomplishments Luke absolutely should get paid. The whole Jedi ethos of no possessions is part of what got them stuck as Republic thugs in the first place. I absolutely think he should start capturing ships and selling them to the alliance on a prize recovery basis. It gets his people paid and he'll have funds without being beholden to anyone.
I'd eventually like to see him buy his own custom design ship.
10/30/2024 c15 1bleachorange
Good fic. I hope you write more in the future.
10/30/2024 c11 bleachorange
Definitely recognized the description and Arica's name right away. A neat little interaction.
10/25/2024 c1 1210justinp
I'm sorry but I'm not a fan of SIs with loose mouth.
10/20/2024 c1 Llewey
Disney isnt canon for true fans
10/7/2024 c5 Dans
Oh gawd, what are you doing with Eren? I know you’re trying to portray Eren as human, and he’s a real living person. But. The inconsistency between his desire to meet his mother and irrational fear is too much. Too jarring.
You did well with the nurse that Cinder first met. Now that’s how you introduce an idiotic character into the story. Shes constant and her behavior has always been part of the world, not just a sudden change on the whim of an author.
9/22/2024 c15 JD91B
Pretty good story. A shame it stopped updating.
8/30/2024 c15 Guest
Good story, pls continue, I like to see how Vader turn to the light sooner than cannon and, I also like to see how Ashoka Tano cane in the fray. I see Vader has started his rebellious campaign as he became a yandere of sorts when we last saw his POV, I hope we get to see drama of Vader being not a happy father light side or dark side and denies his blessing when Luke and Mara hit off especially when she learns his true identity as we all know both Anakin and Vader sides to the current sith lord hate Mara Jade very much, on light side being a assassin and a spoiled brat to a liar and a monster, on the dark side same thing but on the more sith like sense in thought process once he learns the two love each other, he do all his power to make sure they stay away from each other and I can see Palpy spark this to make him more angry and driven him further into the dark side on one hand while the other make some better apprentices then the parents
8/6/2024 c3 Volunteer Insomniac
i feel like it would be better if new luke just referred to old lukes memories as if they were his own, because they basically are his own at this point and it just acts as a speedbump to my immersion.
5/21/2024 c8 Guest
I wonder if this can get any less interesting.
5/4/2024 c5 Tony McNucklz
Was rereadint, srill love the chaff bomb.

Also, i maintain that The Mandalorian was mid at best, but because Disney has so thoroughly destroyed the once fantastic franchise, even something mediocre looks fantastic next to a skyscraper of fresh rancid manure. I could have become great, but as i predicted, as soon as Disney had something peoppe liked, kathleen kennedy and the rest of corporate would co-opt it, seize control, force their politics into every facet, and turn it into just another pile of money losing manure nobody cares about. which is what happened.
4/24/2024 c15 Fungod
This was a nice story
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