Just In
for Skywalker: Resurgent

10/26/2019 c1 mgibbs
A good start looking forward to more.
10/26/2019 c1 Aamer
So, you took the easy way out. I was expecting more than him running off to Obi Wan.
10/25/2019 c1 Guest
Well that’s you’re opinion
10/25/2019 c1 MidnightPurpleFox
Good good this has great potential
10/25/2019 c1 5Digsjin
Looking forward to seeing where this goes.
10/25/2019 c1 1mk0008
This story is just as good as sg wolf. Yes I will be subscribing to it.
10/25/2019 c1 workforfood
Don't kiss your sister!
10/25/2019 c1 alertpoet91
Fantastic Chapter!
10/25/2019 c1 RoyalTwinFangs
Not bad.
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