Just In
for The Contest

2/9 c1 TLP2
Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Good story. Thanks.
4/27/2023 c1 KellyGirl
Such fun! Thank you
4/4/2023 c1 HMCM0122
Hehe this was great!
8/20/2022 c1 debb lavoie
Great comic relief! Guys betting are always fun.
5/16/2022 c1 KathyJoK
How did I miss this? It's hilarious.
7/9/2021 c1 Guest
Love your work as always such a cute story. I hope you do a sequel where stephanie wears them under her wedding dress. Ahhh I wish JE would finally make them a couple
12/20/2020 c1 deviates322
great story
11/3/2019 c1 KellyGirl
I thoroughly enjoyed this! Love your sense of humor, & your Ranger. He’s what I wish was in JE’s books. Can’t wait to read more from you. Thanks for this.
10/31/2019 c1 daxandpat
Ack, I was hoping to get a little more out of Ranger but that was fun nonetheless!
10/29/2019 c1 7JudoMom
Thank you for bringing this funny little story back. I've been going crazy looking for search words trying to find it.
10/28/2019 c1 58got2BaBabeFan
Still hilarious with the bet.
10/28/2019 c1 guest
i loved this the first time and am so happy you reposted. this i always good for a laugh, thank you!
10/27/2019 c1 Guest
Still fun
10/27/2019 c1 melyons
Ranger is such a dick sometimes. But I love him anyways. And I still am missing Stella. I think I will reread those 4 chapters to get me through.
10/28/2019 c1 12711LuvsRanger
I love your one shots and shorts and this one has always been a big favorite! Please keep posting them back up.
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