Just In
for Songs of a Lost Memory

12/9/2020 c1 1Ciela Fullbuster16
I don't want this pain in my heart.. why? ToT
11/10/2020 c1 3adrestar
Awww this made me shed tears. Lukanette forever!
7/11/2020 c1 Betty J Hall
I don't like Luka sorry but nice story.
12/14/2019 c1 21SolarFlare579
12/8/2019 c1 1k+KagamiPINKAgreste
I do have to disagree... sorry Kagami but - "History doesn't usually repeat itself." - It usually DOES just in the ways we expect them too.

OH MY DAMN CHERRY BLOSSOMS! Thank you for this. Spelling mistakes aside of course. A truly miraculous paw-issblity such a better endgame. Adrien/Kagami are just PURRFECT togther. Luka/Mari are very sweet. The title is amazingly put.
10/30/2019 c1 NoniBautista
So i was reading it and i was loving the story but i just had to stop. Ugh what is this adrigami and lukanette ew
10/28/2019 c1 46CCsunhine99
I need #adrinette version
10/28/2019 c1 CatherineDuchessofVineyard i wish this is a long chapter.
10/28/2019 c1 siren8484
This was really touching. It makes you think what will happen if Marinette will have to give the miraculous box back

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