Just In
for Brightest Doom

4/3 c29 1Nai Darkor
I forgot to say how funny it is that you used the TMNT.
4/3 c28 Nai Darkor
The fallout will be legendary!
4/3 c27 Nai Darkor
Batsy gets his natural prey.
4/3 c26 Nai Darkor
4/3 c25 Nai Darkor
Ending the war on drugs so fast is hilarious!
4/3 c24 Nai Darkor
And after that he will destroy the device.
4/3 c23 Nai Darkor
Typically Harley
4/3 c22 Nai Darkor
I'm not sure if I should feel bad for Clark...
4/3 c21 Nai Darkor
DOOM shall reign the world!
4/3 c20 Nai Darkor
Poor Supes…
4/2 c19 Nai Darkor
The truth can cut harder than any mortal weapon.
4/2 c18 Nai Darkor
This will be an interesting talk…
4/2 c17 Nai Darkor
She got the stocking…
4/2 c16 Nai Darkor
Poor paranoid Batman.
4/2 c15 Nai Darkor
DOOM never loses.
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