Just In
for Ties that Bind

1/23/2020 c18 58Starway Man
Nice start with the mind games played on Angel, and Ghost!Doyle's surprise appearance. Spike's love of Star Wars was good too - too bad there was no Yoda reference - and I wasn't expecting Ghost!Joyce to show up, well done there. Connor's own episode being ruined by Ghost!Darla was okay, but I wish you hadn't skipped through the details of all the fights - that detracted from the story quite noticeably. Oh, and Angel whining about 'fair' in the middle of a fight to the death? He kinda deserved the whole Spuffy scene afterwards! Oh well, at least he still had Nina at the end. Hmm, the Xandelia scene at the end was enjoyable, especially Cordy's crack about her fiancé never leaving her at the altar...happy ending, good!
1/16/2020 c17 Starway Man
Ah, the name 'Morty' for the Immortal still cracks me up, well done there. :) There were some spelling mistakes present in that part of the text, though, you need to watch that - plus some of the one-liners felt a bit jarring as well, the delivery felt a little off - especially in the middle of a fight to the death. But the evil monologuing wasn't too bad, especially the part where Drusilla got dusted. There were okay descriptions of where Buffy dusted the AU Angelus, and where Faith and Connor defeated the AU Spike as well. Ghost!Wes saying "master" to the Senior Partners definitely caught my eye too, for some reason. But...some of the following text and action - like 'Morty' whining after Buffy broke his nose, and then Darla oh-so-casually disposing of him that way - that didn't seem right. Ditto after Darla and the other undead were gone, Spike should have known better than to jinx himself that - and once they manifested on the mortal plane (which needed more than just a generic portal to pull it off, IIRC), could the Senior Partners have sounded any more like cheesy cartoon villains? Makes me wonder how the heck the white hats can fail to win against them...
1/3/2020 c16 Starway Man
I loved the first part of the chapter, the deep and meaningful conversation between Xander and Cordelia after they slept together the night before. The next part of the chapter, where Nina sleepily asked Angel if he was evil after they woke up, for some reason... I found that more than a little amusing! But in the subsequent scene, when Ghost!Wes was conferring with the Senior Partners - the way the Wolf used the term 'good guys', it was way too So-Cal native and not ancient demonic monster. The Connor/Faith smooching, I didn't really understand why Angel and Xander reacted with disgust. The battle/undead grudge match started off okay, but you ended the chapter only partway through it, which was a bit jarring. I hope you finish it off soon!
12/18/2019 c15 Starway Man
The Highlander references were cool (great movie/s *and* TV show), and I liked the question put to Buffy about having a thing for guys who may or may not be evil, the writers really did paint her that way by the end of BTVS season 7 and Angel season 5! Oh, and good for Ghost!Wes being manipulative that way, trying to get out of his contract by trying to manipulate the Senior Partners into mortal combat and getting killed.

Hmm, the sex-a-thon (N/A, F/C and C/X) felt a bit off - especially with Cordelia and Xander, you haven't focused all that much on them in this story... and it kinda read like they were just jumping into bed together, without truly resolving all their past issues. Nina and Angel post-coitus was more realistic, even though you haven't really dealt with the perfect happiness issue concerning them either. Still, you have built up Connor and Faith's relationship well, and I look forward to seeing what happens next!
12/14/2019 c14 Starway Man
I burst out laughing when the AU Darla called the Immortal 'Morty', well done there. Ditto with Ghost!Wesley's line regarding, "We are not here because of sordid love triangles" and AU Spike's comment to AU Drusilla about not knowing what drugs the mainstream Spike was doing falling in love with a Slayer. :) Of course, that was overshadowed by vamp Harmony getting dusted by AU Drusilla - and AU Spike getting smacked around, he really does need to learn when to keep his mouth shut! Later, Angel stomping on Nina's feet as he tried to dance was amusing, and so was the whole astronauts versus cavemen thing, very nostalgic. Connor and Faith doing the dirty dancing thing was worth a giggle, and Ghost!Wesley's appearance in the lair of the white hats was definitely unexpected. I'm not sure why Spike couldn't smell the British man's scent like Angel could, that looked like something of a minor plot hole. Anyway, I hope you continue the story soon!
12/11/2019 c13 Starway Man
The start was rather amusing, how the AU Angelus and the AU Spike were bickering one moment, and then the next it was all "Nice punch" and "Thanks. Watch your left", very nice bar fight. The native Spike was amusing too in his conversation with Faith regarding Connor's resemblance to Angel and signs of the apocalypse! Xander and Cordelia's conversation was okay, so was the one Ghost!Wesley had with the Immortal (and really, one of his names was Marco?), and I loved the fact that Faith put a love bite on Connor's neck instead of the other way around! Hmm, Buffy thinking that the Xander/Cordelia 'ship is back...that almost seemed to come out of nowhere, but it would make sense in this context, given Slay-gal would want her friend to be happy, and high school was a long time ago. And nice development with the AU Whirlwind giving orders to their soon-to-be cannon fodder!
12/4/2019 c12 Starway Man
Okay - AU Angelus actually said, "step up and be the man"? Could he possibly sounds any more white? :) And AU Spike wanting popcorn while Vamp Rondell was attacked by Vamp Gunn's former minions, that sounds very in-character for William the Bloody. I also liked Ghost!Wesley's distaste at calling the Senior Partners 'my masters', that was subtle but effective. The B/S stuff was...well, whatever, but the Connor/Faith chat was a bit better. Ghost!Wesley's meeting with the AU Whirlwind was alright - and I couldn't help but agree with Spike's comment that Angelus often talks his victims to death before killing them. I hope the big showdown comes soon!
12/3/2019 c11 Starway Man
I couldn't help grinning at Connor's comment about Faith being hot, and Spike saying Connor's definitely family after enjoying it when a Slayer beat him up, that was amusing too. But yeah, it's a good thing Willow mind-wiped 2003 Connor and sent him back to the past. Vamp Gunn certainly was belligerent but not smart, allowing himself to be double-crossed that way; AU Darla was in-character using guns, too. The 'spiteful cow' reference was a bit unexpected, though. I wasn't expecting Vamp Gunn to be dusted quite so quickly in this story, either. The fight scene wasn't too bad, kinda rushed with a lot of exposition though. And wow, you really are pushing the Angel/Nina 'ship!
11/29/2019 c10 Starway Man
I loved Willow's line that being a Slayer was more like living a horror movie than a romantic comedy, too many writers seem to forget/ignore that basic fact. Connor and Cordelia's conversation was okay, in terms of clearing the air between them, but it would have been good if you had described the setting a bit more emotionally - the whole thing felt a bit stilted, almost like pure dialogue without the characters being truly invested in the horrors they went through back then. Still, I enjoyed the antics of the gruesome foursome from the alternate reality, and Spike calling Riley "General Git" was worth a chuckle (although 'Captain Cardboard' was far more amusing on the show!). As for Senator Brucker's rival confession, I thought the guy admitted to being a pedophile after he was mind-raped into believing that? And yes, Riley, all this does resemble an episode of Star Trek! Looking forward to the next part, as always.
11/27/2019 c9 Starway Man
Nice conversation at the start of the chapter, with Nina Ash talking to everyone - I liked how Spike snarkily described Angel as an emotional cripple, that line definitely got my attention. Still, nice reunion between the werewolf and her undead boyfriend, as well as between Xander and Cordelia - some of that was amusing, like Angel's taste in clothes. :) Connor's wisecrack about being tasered again was okay, but it was Lindsey's suicide that definitely took me by surprise! Cordelia telling Angel he's helpless without a woman bossing him around was kinda unexpected too. I wasn't surprised when vamp Harmony ran away and joined the white hats are overhearing vamp Gunn intending to sacrifice her, it was pretty in-character actually. Looking forward to the next part!
11/16/2019 c8 Starway Man
Nice start with Vamp Gunn wanting to kill Eve, and Ghost!Wesley saying, "Yes thank you Charles now moving on..." You nailed the character perfectly there. Hmm, the Senior Partners manifested on Earth? I thought they couldn't do that...and typical bad guy action with Eve selling out Lindsey when the chips were down, I liked that - as well as Eve's death scene, after Lindsey was tortured.

The most other note-worthy part of the chapter was when the AU Spike and Dru showed up to face the mainstream Spike and Buffy - especially that wisecrack that Buffy was prettier than Nikki Wood - and I also liked how that guy taunted Connor, how the only thing Angel and Darla could create was garbage and what-not. The fight scene needed a bit more detail, and nice cliffie with Buffy meeting Nina Ash!
11/14/2019 c7 Starway Man
I liked the B/S argument at the start, although there's no way Spike's face could go red from anger - hello, he's a walking corpse? The stuff with Eve and Lindsey and Past!Connor was okay, and yet Present!Connor suddenly had a memory download of that while shagging Faith? Kinda weird...almost as weird as Angel saying he actually considers Spike a grandson! Former protégé and family, yes, but not that. As for the rest of it, I liked vamp Gunn showing the minions who was the boss, and the AU Darla's annoyance that she was the only one who wanted to save the AU Master when they returned to their own world. More soon!
11/12/2019 c6 Starway Man
Okay plot development with sending Connor forward in time from May 2003, even if it felt a bit repetitive - what with the AU Whirlwind from 1997 already part of the story. But still, I loved Spike's snark saying he hadn't missed Xander one bit, and saying to Vamp Harmony he was disappointed how she ended up with Vamp Gunn. Plus the fight scene at the Hyperion was pretty cool.
11/11/2019 c5 Starway Man
Nice conversation at the start between Xander and Cordelia, it's too bad we never saw anything like this on the show! Still, Vamp Gunn was badass and Ghost!Wes was bland as ever, and I definitely liked how Riley and Xander bonded over Buffy's need to always save Angel and Spike. :) Same with the Whirlwind from the alternate universe, AU Spike is definitely amusing when he wants to be. Just like Xander at the end, when someone asked whatever happened to Robin Wood. More soon!
11/10/2019 c4 Starway Man
The mind games/mental torture used against Angel and Spike in that hell dimension were described well, but I didn't get the whole memory wipe and starting again thing you described - such damage needs to be cumulative, after all. And when the soulless Whirlwind came from the alternate reality, I laughed at AU Spike calling AU Darla 'great grandma'! Nice terminology there. The 'soap opera' thing was good, too, and Holtz was killed in the alternate universe during 1771? Interesting...

In the next scene with the Scooby reunion, I'm not sure why Xander called Robin 'Principal Wood' - Sunnydale High no longer exists, did he get another school principal job elsewhere? It would have been good to know how Cordelia had been resurrected after being dead and buried for two months as well. Oh, and I found Kennedy's wisecrack concerning Buffy's 'vampire fetish' rather amusing! Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
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