Just In
for Third Time's the Charm

12/13/2019 c21 3Meliodas el Dragon
As always, congratulations on the development of your story, referring to the third suggestion that I shared in Chapter 20, do not exemplify it well.
What I want to get to, is that the interesting thing about tanya is the way she always has to deal with several problems at the same time. In my view it would be more fun and entertaining to see Tanya try to defend herself from a demon and a god who want to end her. The demon king considers her a threat, because Tanya desires her head to get even with being x.
And on the other hand, being x, tries to hinder Tanya, that she does not eliminate the demon king, so that she does not get her desire to take revenge on him.
Besides that being x is obsessed with tanya for not being able to bend her to his will.
What I suggested to you, was that tanya did not join the demon king's army, this taking into account that it is more feasible that tanya wishes to use the desire she was promised to make x suffer.
And this in turn is related to the second suggestion I gave you about tanya making fun of being x, by telling her that she will never submit to him, and that she prefers to follow the silly water instead of him.
In addition, as I had already said, the gods would feel distrustful of being x, seeing him try to kill a fellow god, only because his lost lamb Tanya joined the religion of aqua.
As I mentioned earlier, these are suggestions you can take them into account, or not. In the end you decide which way to take your story.
12/13/2019 c21 Prometheus-42
I'm very disappointed that Darkness is being left behind for over a dozen chapters. I had thought she'd be a permanent member of Tanya's crew in this. Tanya seemed to really understand Darkness and be able to play her like a fiddle, which is something that Tanya appreciates in a subordinate, and something Tanya appreciates in a leader/master.

I feel like both sides would have benefited from a permanent partnership much more than Darkness going with Kazuma as in canon.
12/13/2019 c21 skrapsynneh
Thank you for the chapter. I look forwards to more.
12/13/2019 c21 Imperial warlord
Awesome chapter.
12/13/2019 c21 rotuxxxxd
Hola! La verdad no se si leeras porque no esta escrito en ingles, pero pues no hace daño intentar.
Primero me encanta tu fic. Me puso al tanto en solo 3 dias, y eso que estoy ocupado, sino serian 2 dias.
En fin.
Mi unica pregunta es (tomando en cuenta que me salto las notas del autor para ahorrar tiempo), ¿en verdad tanya podra convertirse en hombre? No me agrada mucho la idea si lo lograra. Creo que el personaje perderia su esencia. El chiste es que sea un adulto en el cuerpo de una niña nazi y que efrente las dificultades que van de la mano con eso. Pero cambiar su genero... No creo que sea buena idea.
A no ser que lo uses como un elemento de motvacion para el personaje, o que si pueda usar algun hechizo o pocion para ser hombre, pero con un efecto secundario terrible, como que le cause disfuncion erectil o algo asi. Lo tipico de konosuba.
Tomalo como un simple comentario o sugerencia.
Sigue por favor con la historia. Espero espectante el proximo capitulo.
(Me gusta tu dedicads redaccion)
12/13/2019 c21 1ISleep
I've never watched this worlds anime, but damn those Orcs subverted my expectation
12/13/2019 c21 1neogoki
so Tanya is out of Axel,
did Being X already ramp up production of "Heroes" / Poor kids that trust too easy?
12/12/2019 c20 23Byakugan789
War stat references come from Steven Pinker's better angels of our nature. Apparently every single anthropological source he found indicated that as weapons tech rose, the number of people who die violently decreased. The trend had a .6 correlation, meaning it explained about 60% of the data variation. The next highest corollary was the size of the local government. Not bureaucratically, but in how many people it controlled.
Deaths from disease or starvation being counted differently, though given forced starvation and deliberate disease were responsible for some 150 million in the last century, perhaps they should be too...

You won't find most of this in wikipedia, though the gay cloisters is there. Cloisters and Abbey's being full of gay men and lesbians has been part of every anthropology study I've ever read on the church. Jeffry Chaucer even jokes about it in the cantiburry tales. The war in the vatican I got from a number of podcasts held by bishops and cardinals. Francis being communist as open as articles in the BBC where he admits meeting with KGB regularly during his early career, as is several calls for him to step down over various pedophile coverups. Pedophilia and rape being something clergy from friars to cardinals were hunted down for comes up in a large number of books on various popes and papal politics. The practice goes all the way back to rome with Pope Gregory the first, though from his writings he's not the first pope to do so, which caused some friction with the senate.

On to this chapter though, I suspect the biggest thing she 'invented' here isn't the swiss army knife, but the production line. Could also go for a line of oilcloth backpacks for adventurers or heat packs.
Heat packs can be made with rocksalt, oilcloth and water. Dissolving rocksalt produces a fair amount of heat. Other ways are doing the same with magnesium sulfate (IE, epsom salt) Those work pretty well, but the standard is set by Sodium Acetate. Sodium acetate is created by mixing vinegar and baking soda. Slip a plate of metal into the solution and it begins to crystallize, releasing quite a bit of heat over a long period. Tanya _might_ know about these, given they were part of WW2 issue to GI's, but she was a mage, so maybe not.
It's a pity she didn't try to buy the teleport spell off of wiz though. Seriously, with her casting that every now and then, nobody will question her use of flight, simply deciding it's something she can do because she already knows lots of other high magic like explosion and teleport.
12/8/2019 c20 1ISleep
.. Did she completely forget that Nobles have even more power than the church? Even if she never interacted with them herself never again, they could easily make her life miserable with their influence.
12/8/2019 c19 some guy
You are really losing me with chapter 18 onwards. It's a mess of tactical fuckups, screwups, and stupidity all over the place from Tanya. Actively inviting an enemy mage to cast at will during an ongoing warzone, just to maybe learn a completely useless skill? You are pulling bullshit like that on the regular here. Consider what is actually happening and who your characters are before you have them do shit that doesn't make sense.
12/8/2019 c20 vanhellsing9000
Great chapter i actually thought that the demon king was gunna have a nervous breakdown lol just wondering if lalatina will be rejoining tanya again and wat insane abilities will she be learning next anyhoo love the story and i carnt wait for the next chapter to come out keep up the great work
12/8/2019 c20 3Meliodas el Dragon
First of all, I want to congratulate you on the narrative and the development of your story, I have sincerely liked it, your story has many possibilities, I must admit that I am a big fan of the works of konosuba and youjo senki.

Well, what comes next is simply a suggestion for your story, you can take it into account, or not, however I want you to analyze the reasoning of my ideas.
The first would be, that you make tanya join the axis order, this would be with the purpose of annoying eris and especially being x, besides that in some future tanya and viktoriya can get married in the aqua religion. The reason why Tanya would be forced to join the axis order, would be for the purpose of being removed from the black list of the sky, therefore it would no longer be considered an atheist, and this would make the gods let her live In peace, of course Tanya would only be a member of the name axis, she would not be a religious fanatic.

However, Tanya could make fun of being x, scrubbing him that he can never take away his freedom to choose, and he would tell being X that he prefers to belong to a cult led by a silly and mediocre goddess to follow him.
This would make the being x, infuriated not only against tanya but also with the poor aqua, which would make his life impossible, by snatching his lost lamb.

There would come a time when being x, not only machinery plans terrible against tanya, but also plans to get rid of aqua and its cult. This fact would make the other gods stay distant and distrustful of being x.
The idea that I want to imply here, is that the gods themselves question the actions, and turn against being x.
If he is trying to end aqua right now, that would prevent me from being next tomorrow.
In the end, the same gods would be those who put a stop to being x. Aware that a deity that only causes chaos, death and destruction on its own whim is not worthy of God's title.

The second idea would be for Tanya to try to make the axis order work as an efficient company, and with the help of modern marketing to grow the religion of aqua, with the purpose of annoying the cult of eris and being x, rubbing them as An advertising campaign is well done to attract the attention of more believers.
Obviously Tanya would not help Aqua for free, since she would see many benefits while in a position of power. It would also be interesting that aqua could reduce mental pollution of tanya.

And the last idea is that tanya does not join the army of the demon king, it would be more interesting and more entertaining that she tried to deal with two enemies at the same time, on the one hand being x, and on the other the army of the demon king.

As I mentioned these are suggestions you can take them into account, or not. In the end this is your story, and you decide why to take it.
12/7/2019 c20 5Pyromania101
Just looked at your profile, and like "Mother's Basement", you miss the point on the near-rape scene. Yes, it has all the slapstick stuff, but NO ONE was making fun of Kazuma for what he went through: Aqua cradled his head in her lap and said comforting words, and Megumin told him about Yunyun's tattoo to cheer him up. When the chase was occurring, the girls were just as freaked out as he was and screamed for him to keep running, and were horrified when he was caught.
12/7/2019 c20 skrapsynneh
Thank you for the chapter. I look forwards to more.
12/7/2019 c20 14D.N.Works
Seems like the Demon Army is getting a nit more serious. And poor Wolfback, maybe she SHOULDN'T have drained her other half so much, considering we all know how it ended up as. Plus Tanya once more has to deal with shenanigans, but at least got to deal with the jerk of a Lord. Oh, and quick question, how does Darkness feel about Chris now with the whole attempt murder thing?
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