Just In
for Third Time's the Charm

11/9/2019 c1 13Icura
Wow, you spent a year without posting your story...


Congratulations on posting!

The pressure must have been intense.

In any case, the first chapter was pretty good so far. I'm still reading the rest of the chapters~.
11/9/2019 c10 skrapsynneh
I would enjoy having omake with the chapter. I look forwards to seeing how the mercy works out.
11/8/2019 c9 YuukiAsuna-Chan
Again, don't give the slightest fuck for Kazuma.
11/8/2019 c6 1Final-Fan
I wouldn't call Aqua "useless", because as you say she has definitely been useful sometimes. I think it's more fitting to call her "incompetent", which certainly seems like a reasonable description from what I understand. And it seems like something Tanya would say.

I am also fine with omake being introduced piecemeal over the course of the story.
11/8/2019 c8 YuukiAsuna-Chan
OC's generally suck, so if they are meant to be anything other than throwaway characters than try to avoid it.
11/8/2019 c6 skrapsynneh
My statement is that Aqua is effective. There are tangible skills that she brings to the place as the Great Builder and divine being so there is not an issue. Luckily we live in the world where the problems she does cause are solved in canon. That also means things can be worse.
11/8/2019 c7 Guest
Wait what happened to the guys relic sword? Pls don’t say she decided not to even test it...
11/8/2019 c7 YuukiAsuna-Chan
Don't give the slightest fuck about Kazuma tbh, hell wouldn't care if Tanya just killed him as a precaution of him trying to off her.
11/8/2019 c5 skrapsynneh
The ship has sailed and it is only the retroactive interference of Being X that slows the inevitable approach towards the equilibrium of a united Tanya and Visha.
11/8/2019 c6 YuukiAsuna-Chan
All i can say is i feel sorry for any poor bastards that think killing Tanya will be easier than killing the Demon King.

Hmm, doesn't that mean that others will be bringing there relics to Tanya? If she kills them will she remain in possession of them? If so, this seems like a bad move on Being X's side.
11/8/2019 c5 YuukiAsuna-Chan
Vishanya all the way.
11/8/2019 c3 skrapsynneh
Ooh, thanks for earing up the age. I was a bit confused when you went from 16 years old Tanya to using 12, but the younger age was a description appearnace wise. I wonder how tall she is considering the different expected heights of people in the world. The difference between a 12 year old that is 5 feet tall (~155 cm) to one who is below 4 feet (~122 cm) is still a bit strange to my young mind that still associates older people as being taller.
11/8/2019 c4 YuukiAsuna-Chan
Am i the only one sad there is no Visha here?
11/8/2019 c2 skrapsynneh
Hmm, I have no idea what apth you have planned for Tanya, but I wonder how she compares in ability to others in the world of konosuba and if she has the necessary gear for different things like flight. I know she has the Elenium Type 95, but is that all that is necessary for flight or will she have to find something else. The debuffed attribute will also be fun to see.
11/8/2019 c1 skrapsynneh
I got directed here by Gremlin Jack's "A Young Girl's Delinquency Record" and I enjoy all that you have said. I deeply look forwards to more and will certainly enjoy reading the rest of the story to catch up.
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