Just In
for The Ever Expanding Hogwarts Class of 1998

4/28/2024 c1 LadyKirsten
That is hilarious
3/15/2024 c5 1HyroTheGodOfFiction
Hopefully this will continue someday soon
8/3/2023 c5 littlespite
Wow thats a long gap for an update...
6/7/2023 c1 62Stormshadow13
I know I have read and reviewed the story before. I just came back for a reread real quick. And was kind of wondering if you had thought about adding these two, or were familiar with these two characters

Have you thought about adding aster Xehanort and Master Eraqus from kingdom hearts? Thought these two would be amusing even if my personal favorite characters are Isa/Saix and Lea/Axel.

Then again, you could also do Dark and Krad from DN Angel watching those two languages along would be hilarious.
6/24/2022 c5 DarkRavie
I really like this story. It's and excellent read and I look forward to reading what happens in your next chapter.
6/20/2022 c4 13Freddie Rindklip
Interesting beginnings.
4/26/2022 c5 vegafoxfire
can't wait to see what happens next keep it coming
4/26/2022 c1 vegafoxfire
I like your storyline keep coming
3/29/2022 c5 10Knightowl 4183
Hmm, the slight inconsistency is that Loki was from before the Avengers, but after Thor's ending. With the mid-credit scene never happening.

So Nick would of gotten confusion from Loki rather than him admitting to an invasion that he hadn't participated in yet. That is one observation I have for a fic I just read.

I am wondering if you will use Marona from Phantom Brave, Veronica from Dragon Quest 11 who died in the first timeline that was erased, and maybe bring in her sister Serena who would of mourned her for the rest of her life.

Kind of give the two who would cease to be in an erased timeline a chance for happiness, silly antics, and maybe they could support Harry purely by accident. Since they are there by chance, not to try and save the world, and are basically unknowing... Sheep dogs.

Maybe throw in a reborn Elsa and Anna who are from hostile families that somehow feel a sisterly desire to get to know each other...

Make it a raging comedy of errors and unneeded drama to spice things up.
3/25/2022 c4 13excessivelyperky
This should be fun-Accio popcorn!
2/19/2022 c5 Guest
Can you please do dr. Jack Bright from the scp foundation
1/8/2022 c3 excessivelyperky
Oh, Professor Vector will be nice to Lee, but she'll adopt Hari for her own by Christmas Break. And Binns will be delighted to find out he still has relatives about (I like it when Hari thought of Binns and was happy to learn he had living relatives-oops!).

The moment I heard "Peterson" I knew it was Piter!

Although...I wonder if the Mule would Sort Hufflepuff? Nobody ever notices the Hufflepuffs...
12/18/2021 c2 excessivelyperky
I still think Vesper Lynd's 'suicide' was engineered to keep Bond in action instead of going off to play Happy Families...
10/18/2021 c5 62Stormshadow13
How F…ed are the. Lol, pretty.
10/17/2021 c5 1Dragon-bait-2001
Roman? Why not Greek? lol

hmm.. which Star Trek character will you be bringing... Picard, Data, LaForge, Crusher... Barkley?
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