Just In
for Game of Shadows

20h c69 Zwillingen700
Dear goodness, for such a short scene taking place in a prison cell, I have never witnessed so much smugness and schadenfreude. Well done, dear author, this was a chapter to be remembered.
23h c142 Angeloux
Cute ending. The writing itself was on point. Very good quality. The style… was not for me. But worth finishing.
12/10 c138 Angeloux
The whole story was literally a slice of life fanfiction. Not just the last few chapters. I never thought I’d see someone turn a gamer Naruto fic into someone so … depressing? slow? drab? monotonous? I can’t find the adjective. But man, i’m gonna make myself finish this cause I’m too committed at this point.
12/7 c19 Zwillingen700
Holy Molly... now that Sakura scene was something to remember until the end of this story.
12/6 c144 Reader20448
Good chapter
12/1 c144 SpaceCadet10
Considering that he has an older mind, I would like to see a story with Anko or Mei.
11/30 c144 natan.coltro
Cara, essa história foi incrível, acho que é a primeira de umas 5 fic de Naruto que tem final que eu li, mas a única boa kkk, normalmente os autores acabam se perdendo no final, mas essa foi bom do início ao fim, confesso que procurei apenas fanfics M pois esperava r18, mas essa eu nem liguei que não tinha, fiquei muito imerso na história.
Sinceramente sobre o Grupo, eu meio que não me importava tanto, e o Naruto parecia muito diferente as vezes, mas acho que é mais pessoal Doq um problema mesmo, as interações com o Sasuke e Ino eram minhas favoritas, e confesso que no Cap do 1 encontro, imaginei ele convidando a Ino, legal ter feito isso no último capítulo, sou de história de Harém, mas quando o desenvolvimento é bem feito não ligo de ser monogâmico, Tayuya é muito legal, vou conferir a fic de pokémon agr, bom trabalho!
11/30 c144 madarawank1
I was just beginning to starve, but you showed up and offered me a bowl of Peak.

Very much enjoyed this chapter. The Ino Ship felt really good (I was rooting for her initially). Either way, love GoS and will probably read it a third time one day.
11/29 c144 Highostrich
Man, this chapter just proved to me that Ino would've been the better option for your story. I thought that was the plan at the start until you diverted it to Tayuya.

You could have Grown Ino as a character more alongside Eiji from the start. Great chapter btw
11/26 c144 AidenJacksonSmithDSBB
Buddy, I think you opened the floodgates here
11/25 c9 PhilLordy
I'm enjoying this.
11/24 c144 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
interesting spin
11/24 c144 Raiju001
Haha! Interesting alternative! Thanks for the story!
11/23 c1 PhilLordy
Nice first chapter.
11/23 c143 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
cute interactions with the kids
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