Just In
for What? ! I have to rebuild civilization, kamo? !

8/27/2023 c3 Blackholelord
Overwhelming shame that it was not continued as the overall idea of the story is amazing.
9/20/2021 c3 8PhantomGuardianoftheRepublic
Please oh God please continue with the story. It is really hard to find good stories that utilize the kancolle universe. You could even try running the story in a direction that you personally would like. It is not necessary that you have to follow what the original work does. That is why these things are called fanfiction.
5/15/2021 c3 60AzTec999
Omg. This is both amazing and interesting. Akitsushima is proving to be cute yet smart already! I do wonder on how will she react once she meets Senkuu in the future? For sure, they'll be trading scientific jargons and modern inside jokes that would leave the other characters with a huge question marks in their head lol. And the way she showed the smartphone and laptop to Chrome and how she remarked him to be of a fledgling scientist it's kinda cute and sweet. Can't wait for the next update. Thanks for writing this! Great job!
3/2/2021 c3 BloodyLoved
Never heard of kankai collection and I have only seen like 8 episodes of Dr. Stone so far, but so far I love your story. And the MC. I forgot her name. Your story makes me excited for the next chapter and for when Senku shows up. I so excited for his reaction to a war ship and what is practically a drone. Not to mention her being a ship spirit thing and being from another world.
Can't wait for the next chapter! Hope you update soon. D
8/7/2020 c3 RegulusNeil
This is interesting story I will follow this and you add another Kanmuso might make it more good
8/1/2020 c4 12Doom King of Latveria
Isekai Civilization Restoration Fleet... Really? XD

Anyway, i was hopping to see this story get continued. But i guess you really busy in the real world?

Well, nevermind that, i guess i will waiting for you to update another chapter of this great crossover story! :D
2/2/2020 c4 7Anonymous Ideas
Please tell me you're continuing this!
12/30/2019 c4 17gabrielchiong11
...Okay. Take your time.
12/22/2019 c3 Cooldude
Sweet please keep it up
11/20/2019 c1 gabrielchiong11
Isekai Civilization Restoration Fleet (ICRF), under the direct command of Admiral/Flagship Akitsushima with her trusted right hand man, and Vice Admiral of the ICRF, Chrome.

PS: testing review box if working.
11/20/2019 c3 gabrielchiong11
Isekai Civilization Restoration Fleet (ICRF), Under the direct command of Admiral/Flagship Akitsushima with her trusted right hand man, and Vice Admiral of the ICRF, Chrome.

So far, good story.
11/20/2019 c2 gabrielchiong11
Again, Morse Code translations, please.
11/20/2019 c1 gabrielchiong11
Uh, Morse Code translation, please.

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