Just In
for TMNT 2003: I'm Nothing to Them

4/8/2020 c13 Polly2017
I'm very proud of you Raph.
3/29/2020 c13 6Ryo-chan wolfgirl
Look’n at the title I had a feeling that this was was going to feature Raph or Donnie, but mostly Raph. I’m glad to see that Raph’s come back to his senses and is now helping Mikey. I was afraid that Mikey was gonna make a run for it after Raph exploded like that. I’m glad that April, Casey and Leo were there to help him.

Wow... just when I thought that Donnie couldn’t sink any further. After what they saw in the astral plane with Mikey and everything else that’s happened I thought that Donnie would at least ease off or at least stop to think about his actions, but I guess not.

This maybe a low blow but someone needs to make Donnie realize that if he keeps this up he’ll end up abandoning his family the same way the other Donnie did in that alternate future he saw. Then he’ll lose his family for real.

Well done as always. I’m glad you updated, I was beginning to think that you’ve given up on this story.
3/29/2020 c13 Emslionpride
I'm Glad Raph is finally starting to come around. I just wish Donnie would snap out of whatever jerk-wad state of mind he's in and realize that his obsession with saving Master Splinter is causing him to neglect and even abuse the rest of his family. Great chapter please update ASAP.
3/28/2020 c13 44KaylaMicael
I'm starting to think that only a rebuke from Splinter is going to bring Donnie to his senses. 'gasp' Is that a possibility in the future? I figured Raph would blow up at some point... but it's nice to see he's come around at least.
2/22/2020 c12 KaylaMicael
This made me cry. I really hope Mikey gets better, but like Leo I'm concerned he'll never completely recover. And Donnie better come to his senses soon, or he's going to have some serious explaining to do to Splinter. Though he kind of already does. Hope the next chapter comes soon, this has been a pretty good story.
2/21/2020 c12 6Ryo-chan wolfgirl
Leo’s such a good big brother, it looks like he’s filling in for Mikey in a way. Making sure that he’s eating and giving him love and reassurance. I thought the part with him making riceballs for Mikey and bring Klunk along was so sweet. Klunk reminds me of my own kitty, he always make me feel better when I’m having a bad day. I’m happy to see that Mikey’s doing better though I know that he’s still got a long way to go. Hopefully Leo, Leatherhead, April and Casey can show him that he’s very important to them all.

I’m glad to see that Raph is starting to see the error of his ways and is showing regret for his actions towards Mikey. I was hoping that he’d go to see Mikey and overhear everything that was said between Mikey, Leo and Leatherhead. Maybe he can find Mikey’s sketchbook or something to spark a fond memory or something. Or maybe to make him feel like a real jackass, a box in the trash with the shattered pieces of Mikey’s Battle Nexus trophy and medal.

I’m hoping we’ll see more of Donnie in the next chapter and hopefully he’s realizing how much pain he’s causing Mikey and their family.

Please continue, I can’t wait to see more.
2/21/2020 c12 Emslionpride
I'm glad Mikey is starting to make some progress. And I'm relieved that Raph at least is beginning to see what is happening to Mikey and is feeling ashamed of how he treated Mikey. Next he needs to start showing Mikey that he still does care about him. Now if only Don would stop obsessing over Master Splinter long enough to see how much the rest of his family needs him right now, and focus some of his energy on helping them, especially Mikey.
2/21/2020 c12 11animegamefanatic
pets almost always work when it comes to problems...emotionally
2/21/2020 c12 3Animago
Amei como você cuidou dos momentos, foi um trabalho delicado que você fez no capítulo. Dava para sentir a suavidade das emoções exprimidas de Leo, mas foi muito fácil como Mikey admitiu seus sentimentos, o que me levou para pensar que você está apressando para dar aquele momento inevitável; o clímax, o encontro das quatro tartarugas. Estou muito interessada no que o Donnie terá que dizer para o Mikey quando se encontrarem.
2/21/2020 c12 Polly2017
I love it, keep up the good work.
2/6/2020 c11 Animago
Adorei o novo desenvolvimento, achei que permaneceria o mesmo, mas me surpreendeu com esse capítulo, espero muito que eles parem de brigar e fazem as pazes. Donnie está demorando á aceitar isso, acho que quando todos concordarem ajudar o Mikey, a tartaruga laranja também deveria se mostrar irrecuperável. A cena mental foi muito interessante, contudo, acho que você deveria ter incluído mais coisas para a personalidade do malandro ficasse mais conhecida, como a forma que as lembranças estão armazenada ou o tipo de lugar que o Mikey Interior vive. Fora disso, o capítulo foi objetivo, você não teve dificuldade de se expressar e as coisas aconteceram corretamente, mesmo que fosse um pouco apressado.
2/3/2020 c11 6Ryo-chan wolfgirl
Oh my poor sweet Mikey! Seeing the little child version of Mikey alone sad and scared tore at my heart. At least the good news is that he’s got Leo on his side who still cares about him. I feel for Leo though.

Hopefully this little spiritual trip gets Raph and Donnie to get their heads out of their asses and make them realize the harm that they’ve done to Mikey. Though it does look like that Raph is starting to come around a bit. Donnie though... let’s just say I wanna take his bo staff and whack him with it. I understand he wants to get Splinter back but is it worth losing Mikey? And even when he does get Splinter back does he really believe that Splinter will be happy to hear about what’s happened to Mikey and how they attacked him? I personally doubt it.

Nice job. Keep going please.
2/2/2020 c11 44KaylaMicael
I love how you added the touch of Mikey's inner spirit being a child. And it surprises me that Raph was the first one to thaw... I would have expected him to be the last. Have either of them even considered how Splinter is going to react when he finds out what they did?
2/2/2020 c11 Polly2017
I love it and I can't wait to see what comes next.
2/2/2020 c11 Emslionpride
Gee, I really hope that Raph and Donnie get over what happened to Master Splinter and realize what is happening to Mikey. They need to remember that Master Splinter sacrificed himself to save them. And that includes Mikey. Master Splinter would be devastated if anything happened to Mikey. And he'd be furious when he found out that the reason is because his other sons treated Mikey like he's nothing to them. Even if they do save Master Splinter if Mikey's not there to greet him with the rest of them Master Splinter isn't going to be grateful to them.
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