Just In
for TMNT 2003: I'm Nothing to Them

11/27/2019 c6 11animegamefanatic
raph and don better get their head out of their butts and realize what they did especially if sterling tells them of the blood
11/26/2019 c6 6Ryo-chan wolfgirl
Thank god Leo followed his instincts and went to check on Mikey, too bad it wasn’t sooner. Hurry Leo! Please find him! Leo should also get LeatherHead to help search for Mikey too. Hopefully they’ll find him soon.

If Mikey is still in the sewers he should be found in Splinter’s first burrow where they mutated. He finds the burrow, it brings back memories for him, then he starts feeling lightheaded from the blood loss. He lays down for a bit then passes out, then later someone finds him.

As for Raph and Don... I have no words for them other then I hope everyone lays into them hard and they suffer for it. (Don’t get me wrong I love them both but what they did was straight up cruel to Mikey) Please keep going
11/26/2019 c5 Ryo-chan wolfgirl
Oh Mikey...TT_TT my heart is literally breaking for Mikey. I had a feeling that he heard everything that Raph and Don said about him (those thoughtless idiots) but he also believes that Leo feels the same (which he doesn’t). Please let someone find him in time. Someone being being one of their friends.
11/26/2019 c6 Emslionpride
Yo go Leo! You are Mikey's only real brother right now. Cause until Raph and Donnie shape up I for one don't consider them Mikey's brothers. And personally I don't Leo should either. Someone needs to do something to slap some sense into those two. Maybe Serling can give them a lecture like Leo or Master Splinter can't. I'm sure even he doesn't want anything horrible to happen to Mikey.
11/26/2019 c5 Emslionpride
Aww Klunk! Good little kitty. You know your Daddy's in pain, so you go and help him. I've always loved that Mikey is a cat person. Cause trust me no one who loves cats is as awful as what Donnie and Raph are making Mikey out to be. Cats bring out the best in people. Which is why I'm so glad Klunk is following Mikey, if anyone can pull Mikey out of this funk its Klunk. Also I hope he bites Donnie and Raph for how they've treated his Daddy. And scratch their eyes out on top of it.
11/20/2019 c4 Guest
I hope someone knocks sense into those too and i hope sterling can detect blood and if anything happens to mike i got a feeling the shoe will be on the other foot and raph and don will feel like crap. Donnie most likely blames himself to be truthful
11/19/2019 c4 Ryo-chan wolfgirl
Oh my god... this was brutal. I never thought I’d say this but Donnie... you’re a thoughtless idiot and Raph... you’re a cruel bastard. I can’t believe they would say such horrible things about Mikey like that and still hold him at fault for every mistake he’s made.

At least Leo’s on Mikey’s side again but it looks like it maybe too late. Hopefully Leo or someone can find him quickly before he does something stupid.

I would love to see the guys in a situation they can’t handle, either in Cyberspace or the real world, and Mikey shows up and saves the day. I know Mikey has a forgiving heart but in this case I don’t he’ll be as forgiving this time. Maybe I’m wrong.

Please keep going.
11/19/2019 c4 Emslionpride
OMG! What is Mikey gonna do? Is gonna try to kill himself. If he does I hope Leo gets to him before that happens. Or is he gonna just run away? If that's the case I hope he finds a good friend to take care of him. But he already has a lot of those maybe one of them will find Mikey first? Whatever happens I hope it makes Raph and Donnie suffer as much as they've made Mikey suffer. They don't deserve to have Mikey or Leo as brothers. At least Leo is mature enough to acknowledge that he himself isn't perfect and that Mikey helps out way more than he screws up.
11/19/2019 c3 11animegamefanatic
idk raph's excuse other than his anger issues, but I think Donnie's more furious with himself and is taking it out on Mikey; Honestly Leo's probably going to owe Mikey an apology, but I hope he knocks some sense into his other bros
11/17/2019 c3 6Ryo-chan wolfgirl
Oh Mikey (reaches out to hug him) My poor sweet Mikey.

I’m glad that Leo’s noticed that something’s wrong with Mikey and is trying to help (finally) hopefully he can get through to Raph and Donnie. If not, I’d like to see him knock some sense into them (both literally and figuratively) if not then maybe just stay with Mikey and help him while ignoring both Raph and Donnie for their cruelty. I know Mikey will object but he needs help.

Well done can’t wait for more.
11/17/2019 c3 Emslionpride
Poor Mikey. I think Leo needs to give a harsh lecture to Raph and Don for how they spoke to Mikey. He needs to remind them that Mikey's their brother and that they should apologize to him NOW! He needs to tell them what he's noticed and that if they're not worried about Mikey then he no longer considers them his brothers. Because no brother of his would treat one of their own so cruelly. He should also tell them that he's not going to tolerate any more of their abuse towards Mikey.
11/14/2019 c2 Ryo-chan wolfgirl
MIKEY NOOOO! You don’t deserve the pain. You don’t! Leo stop meditating and HELP HIM! Somebody Help Mikey!

I really hope somebody goes to check on Mikey and sees what he’s done to himself. As heart wrenching as this is, I love it. Just wish that the chapters were longer. Please continue.
11/14/2019 c2 25Misaki StupidSaru Yata
My baby ;-; my son ;-;

Why do I love stories like these?!
11/14/2019 c2 Emslionpride
My only Complaint right now is that the chapters are so short. But I love how fast you updated this. And I'm really enjoying the story thus far.
11/14/2019 c1 Emslionpride
Poor Mikey. Raph and Don are such jerks. And Leo's not much better with his silence. I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I always enjoy these sad emotional stories so long as there is a happy ending. I love stories that make me cry while I read them but smile when I finish them. So I hope things don't improve until the end.
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