Just In
for King Explosion Murder the Shield Hero

2/12 c28 Guest
Even if Trash helped during the crisis of the take over of Bitch, i hope that this won't mean that he will get a redemption arc, because regardless his hardships and glorious deeds, it will never erase and undo the grave crimes that he commited against the crown and Melromarc, when he became the Mad king, and caused a violent civil war to be antagonizing some noble factions. Adding that to consider the fact that he pampered and spoiled Bitch, Trash is partly responsible from created this monster that almost destroy his family and nation, meaning that to helped in this crisis, it was simply that Trash was cleaning the mess that he caused, making that this cannot fully redeemed him, even if he is regreted.

In fact, i think that Trash shouldn't regain the control over the Vassal staff ever again, because even if he is regreted, after all his messes, even the Vassal weapon should accept that Trash doesn't deserve to wield it again, as punishment for endangered so many people with his insane grudges, making him unfit and unworthy from it, thus forfeiting his rights to be the Vassal Staff hero, forever.

Meaning that the Vassal staff should choose a new succesor; Rino or Rishia, as the Vassal staff could consider that it need new blood to still upholding its duties, and Trash should retires from this role for good.
1/25 c18 Guest
Kinda pathetic, if his “team-mates” get in his way, then kick them out of his party. There’s no authority that can stop him from killing. “You’ll be no better than them” what a joke.
1/24 c28 JCarrasco
Keep it up I love this story please and merry Christmas and happy new years.
1/24 c28 94erica.phoenix16
Thanks for updating. :)

Bye Bye Bitchwhore and I'm shuddering at the thought of cheering someone being sent off to be assaulted to death, even if it's Bitchwhore.
1/24 c28 3electriuser
Troll queen her reward for saving the kingdom is a mattress and a punishment worse than execution. LMAO
1/24 c28 Mariegrey90
Your writing is truly remarkable, and your story left a profound impact on me. I would love the chance to discuss it further. As a commission-based digital artist with experience turning compelling stories into captivating comics, I see incredible potential in your work. I’d be thrilled to collaborate with you to bring it to life. Feel free to contact me on Discord (danban1247275) or Twitter ( mariegrey90).
1/23 c28 L
Well, it was a quick update. So, you already had ready this mini arc, but as the entire chapter was too long, you divided it in two chapters. Well, it was an interesting surprise.

So, my guesses about some possibles tragedies didn't happen during this conflict, about the demises of Trash and Fohl. Well, at least with this outcome, the heroes managed to wins this without suffered some losses, as even prevented that Mirelia was sold as "cow" for the Pig King, a fate worse than death.

And in turn, it was Bitch that was delivered as new toy to this lecherous king, to get a worse punishment than her original sentence. Well, i hope that this be the last thing that we hear about this wicked woman for good XD.

As other point, to consider that the rogue cardinal heroes arc was finished, i wonder which could be the next main arc; the Phoenix wave, Second Silvelt arc, or a new arc.

I ask, because regarding the last idea, i was thinking that to consider that Neia has a mysterious past as someone that was banished from her lands, it could be interesting that one of the possibles next arcs, implies to travels Neia's homeland, to possibly fight against a Tyrant and learn more information about Neia's past. Making it similar to the Q'Ten-lo arc in the original story.

And talking about Q'Ten-lo arc, to consider that Raphtalia didn't go to Glass's world in this story, she never got the kimono from the miko of the Katana Vassal shrine, meaning that without this wearing, Raphtalia couldn't triggers the "order 66" from the shadows of Q'Ten-lo, possibly, leading to that our heroes never bother in travels to this isolated nation, making the possible Neia's arc a replacement for this.

To finishes, i wonder if Bakugou will meet Fitoria eventually, as to this point, our Shield hero hadn't chance to meet the old Filolial Queen yet, making me wonder how could be this meeting.

It was cool to see this arc culminated, keep the good job. : )
1/23 c24 Jakobin
Sorry. In my past review I initially didn’t know who gave Malty the red gem. But after looking back I noticed the initials MPM which I now realize stand for Medea. Sorry for the last review. Still. This chapter was great
1/23 c28 Blockyblob
duuuuuuuuuude, nice
1/23 c28 Jakobin
YES YES YES YES YES! This was awesome it is absolutely glorious. I loved how Bakugo and Eclair snapped REN out of the curse series and B*tchw*ore finally get her red gem also explains how Malty she was able to go around the slave crest. But who gave it to her. I think the gem secretly came from the Vanguard of the Waves, specifically the Third Army from the light novel mainly Synne’s older sister in secret. If you are looking for any ideas. You should look up Shield Hero light novel Shield hero fandom and look at each volume’s synopsis. It can give you more ideas on the fake gods behind the waves. In my opinion I don’t think you should do Medea as I think it made the web novel short. It would be more interesting to have the villain be the organization: The Vanguard of the Waves be the villains over Medea. I can’t wait to see how Bakugo and Ren combat them especially ones like Tact and Miyaji and Seya and most of all S’ynne Lok’s older sister. It will be interesting if Malty dies at the hands of King Faubrey in your story the Third Army secretly rescues her soul and eventually returns in a new identity. Overall great chapter and totally makes chapter 27 better. I can’t for the next chapter to be released soon.
1/23 c28 Guest
That was great. Glad to know that Bitchwhore is gone from the story for good and we'll never see her again. Good. I wonder what will be next for our heroes. And it seems like Medea from the Web Novel will be appearing in the future.
1/23 c28 TheRealD3lph0xL0v3r



I Love the mixing of narratives between the Light Novel & The Web Novel;

After all;

ONLY Medea could've freed the Red-haired Jezebel from that Airtight Seal placed on her; by making a Literal Diabolus Ex Machina to be able to undermine that super-effective slave seal on her!

Looks like Bow Boy has become Stoic; and The Spear Simp is now subserviant to Scarlet. . .

Welp; at least THIS Way the 4 heroes will be able to work together; like The Giant Queen Chocobo wanted!

and B*tch/Elena is now Rino's Slave

Finally things are looking a lot less hopeless than they were in the previous chapter!


You will NOT be Missed!
1/23 c28 3RonaldM40196867
Do not trust the Shadows or anyone but Melty, they’re brainwashed.

A corrupted Izuki is mind-controlling everyone in Melromarc.

Elena knows she wants no part of this.

Crystal Balls are so helpful.

Melty and Reichnott are starting a revolution against Bitchwhore!

Serial killer is the nicest way of describing the Pig King of Faubrey.

Paleface Ren won’t stop so easily.

Piece of Shit Trash saved Melty from execution.

Even when brainwashed Motoyasu and Itsuki are still at each other’s throats.

Itsuki has Bull of Phalaris.

Ren was corrupted by the sin of Envy! At least he still has enough sense to hate Malty’s guts.

Ren has a guillotine that he used to behead Lesty.

Rino and Daveb broke the brainwashing spell!

Ren controls water!

Motoyasu is the least useful of the Cardinal Stooges to Malty.

After Itsuki had his pride shattered by losing to Ren and Motoyasu got betrayed by Malty their curses broke.

So Elena Haven was EH who secretly told Motoyasu about Malty’s meeting with Itsuki.

This is Elena’s best chapter for finally standing up to Malty.

So Malty was reverted to level 1 and is no match for Elena.

Kirishima is getting revenge on Scarlet for what happened in Siltvelt at Fort Titan.

Daven has curse breaking covered sais.

Rifana meets with Raphtalia again.

How nice of Elena to save Motoyasu from drowning.

Malty was using mind manipulation and illusion magic to trick a cursed Ren.

Now Motoyasu is obsessed with Scarlet…oh boy.

Fake child exploding jutsu!

So Malty’s face is completely ruined thanks to Bakugou exploding it. Good work.

Elena is still under arrest for the Spirit Tortoise incident.

Pope Laman and the 3 Heroes Church will be back.

Now Bitchwhore is sentenced to death via being the Pig King’s wife!

Too bad Ren doesn’t speak Bitchanease.

Cutting of Bitchwhore’s tongue, nice touch.

Elena won’t be executed but will be Rino’s slave from now on.

Ren is now Motoyasu’s father-in-law.
1/20 c25 Jakobin
I am curious because I really hated chapter 27 and how it ended, especially with what happened to Ren. Chapter 27's ending was way worse than in chapter 15 when Trinock captures Bakugo. It just makes me wish that Itsuki and Motoyasu truly suffer and Ren gets a happy ending and I really hope we don't have to wait another few more months to see it happen.
1/20 c26 Jakobin
When will the next chapter 28 be released? You said that it would be released in just a few days. Did you actually mean to say it would be released in a few months?
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