6/6/2024 c46
Ichigo is way too ooc and a first grade hypocrite, also a psycho. My coclussion is that you read way too much xianxia as your Ichigo is written like your average xianxia mc. SS is full of murderous hypocrites, it so is your ichigo, he kills witjout need or reason

Ichigo is way too ooc and a first grade hypocrite, also a psycho. My coclussion is that you read way too much xianxia as your Ichigo is written like your average xianxia mc. SS is full of murderous hypocrites, it so is your ichigo, he kills witjout need or reason
11/25/2023 c70 Vixinity1337
This story was good but I think Ichigo (actually on and zangetsu) is hypocritical as shit, also why didn't Ichigo use that assassin bow in the final arc at all?! Also the OC in the final arc just isn't for me.
This story was good but I think Ichigo (actually on and zangetsu) is hypocritical as shit, also why didn't Ichigo use that assassin bow in the final arc at all?! Also the OC in the final arc just isn't for me.
11/15/2023 c46 Blaque Lotus
So far, I have enjoyed your story very much. I love long stories with a good plot. I also agree on several of the points that you made about the soul society. I am a fan of Bleach and especially Ichigo. Hell, I still haven't forgiven Isshin for all the lies even if he was ultimately protecting his son. somethings just should not have been hidden. Thank you for not pairing ichigo with Orihime or the other girls.
Thank you so much for this story. you are also very talented.
So far, I have enjoyed your story very much. I love long stories with a good plot. I also agree on several of the points that you made about the soul society. I am a fan of Bleach and especially Ichigo. Hell, I still haven't forgiven Isshin for all the lies even if he was ultimately protecting his son. somethings just should not have been hidden. Thank you for not pairing ichigo with Orihime or the other girls.
Thank you so much for this story. you are also very talented.
10/26/2023 c25 TommyMS
i had to endure the pain of your abysmal choice of name, can you just use regular english to name your original powers?
i had to endure the pain of your abysmal choice of name, can you just use regular english to name your original powers?
6/11/2023 c5 Wonderful Imagination
I love your characterization of Zangetsu. It is wonderful. You've captured his attitude perfectly.
I love your characterization of Zangetsu. It is wonderful. You've captured his attitude perfectly.
1/25/2023 c11 demigodninja21
Orihime's power is not to reverse time in a limited area, it is to reject anything. When she is healing someone she is reversing time, she is making it as though it never happened because before her power it never did. She is essentially erasing the damage from existence.
Orihime's power is not to reverse time in a limited area, it is to reject anything. When she is healing someone she is reversing time, she is making it as though it never happened because before her power it never did. She is essentially erasing the damage from existence.
10/24/2022 c46 Guest
So I’ve been reading this story and have noticed you have misconceptions on how friendship works a friend only need a stable foundation of trust to work the way you portray real friends and allies are more like blind followers an example would be if ichigo and chad are true friends then ichigo would trust chad had reason’s if he killed his other friends regardless it is the line of thinking that kubo uses to portray the flaws of central 46 that the ends justify the means in the novels it conforms that the inbalance of souls would only destroy the precipice world but it would also mean that shinigami cannot konso souls allowing spiritual energy to accumulate in the world of living increasing spiritual awareness and attracting more hollows further increasing spiritual energy in the world of the living and such and such Quincy also disperse souls into spiritual energy amplifying the issue the shinigami also send sinners to hell and by a psychological perspective more likely to be dominant in menos so most menos will be evil by nature but the real danger comes from the garganta the space between world also works a barrier separating them and if you poke enough holes the walls will fall eventually and yhwach plans are achieved with maximum suffering writing a realistic story comes with realistic consequences being to naive or distrust have consequences
So I’ve been reading this story and have noticed you have misconceptions on how friendship works a friend only need a stable foundation of trust to work the way you portray real friends and allies are more like blind followers an example would be if ichigo and chad are true friends then ichigo would trust chad had reason’s if he killed his other friends regardless it is the line of thinking that kubo uses to portray the flaws of central 46 that the ends justify the means in the novels it conforms that the inbalance of souls would only destroy the precipice world but it would also mean that shinigami cannot konso souls allowing spiritual energy to accumulate in the world of living increasing spiritual awareness and attracting more hollows further increasing spiritual energy in the world of the living and such and such Quincy also disperse souls into spiritual energy amplifying the issue the shinigami also send sinners to hell and by a psychological perspective more likely to be dominant in menos so most menos will be evil by nature but the real danger comes from the garganta the space between world also works a barrier separating them and if you poke enough holes the walls will fall eventually and yhwach plans are achieved with maximum suffering writing a realistic story comes with realistic consequences being to naive or distrust have consequences
4/29/2022 c26 Guest
I mean It’s written well but it annoys me that they changed ichigos whole character.
I mean It’s written well but it annoys me that they changed ichigos whole character.
3/31/2022 c1 VessL
Naomi Nguyen
Don't bring your IRL issues to a fanfic. Keep that crap to yourself. No one wants to read about your viewpoint on society and how its failing, in a story about fantasy. That's why these are made so we can have a good read and escape reality for awhile.
Naomi Nguyen
Don't bring your IRL issues to a fanfic. Keep that crap to yourself. No one wants to read about your viewpoint on society and how its failing, in a story about fantasy. That's why these are made so we can have a good read and escape reality for awhile.
9/10/2021 c1
I was interested based on the synopsis, but the story does not interest me at all.

I was interested based on the synopsis, but the story does not interest me at all.
8/7/2021 c42 ANONIMUS
8/6/2021 c70 Neroscurse
Nicely done with the story mate. Really enjoyed reading it and best wishes on your life and future endeavors.
Nicely done with the story mate. Really enjoyed reading it and best wishes on your life and future endeavors.