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for Strawberry's Hidden Power

6/6/2020 c42 6Murderleo
antes que nada, muy buen cap, segundo, quiero ver a ichigo en accion, quiero ver como todos reaccionan ante alguien desconocido... y después revela ser ichigo AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
6/6/2020 c42 3DedsecAP
pls update soon! i love this fic of yours so muuuuuuch! :D thank you for your hardwork!
6/4/2020 c41 naruto
great chapter keep it up
6/6/2020 c25 DedsecAP
ichigo is going to have a harem question mark? i love ichigo to have someone instea of going solo levelling all the way
6/5/2020 c4 Bountyhunter1977
i would have made it a bit more difficult for Ichigo and have his hollow reseal the sword to its base form and make Ichigo to earn the rite to properly release his Shiki. he needs to learn proper control and without it then all the power in the word is useless.
6/5/2020 c42 Ahmed Maged
Hey i wanted to ask if you let ichigo leave the soul reapers to get .the decision of there leader to betray him will you do the same for the quinces? I hope you let them all die i mean compare to the shinigami this GUYs are really monster they kill the weak and run from the strong you realise how many inoccent died in their hand to tell you the truth the idea of him not kill ing those two girls is pissing me a lot
6/5/2020 c42 Tukang Bakso
Thanks for the update.
6/4/2020 c41 dogman999
Keep up the good work.
6/1/2020 c40 naruto
great chapter keep it up
6/3/2020 c41 11Mukuro234
6/2/2020 c41 Tukang Bakso
Thanks for the update, it seems without urahara the second invasion really goes differently.
5/30/2020 c40 Guest
This chapter is so good and your fanfic just keeps gettinf better and better and I can't wait for the next chapter. Keep up the good work .
5/30/2020 c40 4TheAbsoluteZero
NEXT NEXT NEEEEEXT. ~years later Aizen:do you want dome tea? Ichigo: oh but with pleasure
5/29/2020 c40 11Mukuro234
5/29/2020 c40 Tukang Bakso
Thanks for the update. Will you kill off Ichibe Hyosube because of all the people in Bleach, he is the only one in canon who blatantly said that he is going to betray Ichigo?
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