Just In
for Strawberry's Hidden Power

9/7/2020 c60 1Yamajiji
Damm. You killed Chad and Orihime. That’s tough. I really like that you take these big risks. Having Ichigo kill of people in Soul SOciety, killing off his friends, its some pretty ballsy shit to do. I like it.
9/7/2020 c59 Yamajiji
WTF? Dude you’re ballsy killing Orihime, I love it. I mean she’s best girl but as you said anyone waging war on Ichigo would target her. Damm.
9/6/2020 c52 Yamajiji
So I’m predicting the Soul King will end up being the villain here, Zhakuro will take his placement, and maybe, just maybe, the Zero Squad will change sides.
9/6/2020 c50 Yamajiji
Wow. Aizen’s backstory was interesting, and him just chillin with everyone is really funny. I love it.
9/6/2020 c49 Yamajiji
Ok so the Soul King’s son is the antagonist here? Or is it the Soul King? I’m not sure who you’ll go with. You also had 2 of the former Espada show up. Wonder how that’ll turn out. [
9/6/2020 c46 Yamajiji
Hmm. I’m assuming whats next is the final arc? I’m real interested in what you’ll write for this, since from here on out its all OC. Chad and Orihime seemed pretty horrified about what Ichigo did, but I’m guessing they’ll come around, and basically everyone else who isn’t with Soul Society is ok with what happened. Great chapter.
9/6/2020 c45 Yamajiji
This was awesome. I loved his Bankai ability, it was fucking badass. He annihilated Ywach, good riddance. Now for Soul Society.
9/6/2020 c44 Yamajiji
I’m hyped Ichigo will eventually win, hell he might even win without help. Wonder whats gonna happen after that though.
9/6/2020 c40 Yamajiji
Wow. Now they miss Ichigo. I’m starting to wonder if he’ll actually reveal himself or is he just going to kill Ywach in secret and be done with it.
9/6/2020 c34 Yamajiji
This was cool. Zero Squad befriended Ichigo so the Soul King is safe from him, and he got some training there too.
9/6/2020 c31 Yamajiji
Loved this chapter. The fights were cool and the last part w
with Ichigo was awesome.
9/6/2020 c24 Yamajiji
His darkness ability is fucking awesome. I love it. Everyone’s gonna be shook once he reveals himself.
9/6/2020 c21 Yamajiji
Damm. Ichigo is fuckin pissed, as he should be. I can’t wait to see him finally reveal himself.
9/6/2020 c20 Yamajiji
This was really cool. I like how you’re giving Ichigo some more abilities for his Zanpakuto, the black flames are looking pretty badass. Cannon never really did give him anything other than Getsuga Tenshou and massively enhanced strength and speed.
9/6/2020 c16 Yamajiji
Oh shit. Ichigo is gonna enter the Thousand Year Blood arc with his final Bankai Quincy techniques. I’m hyped. I know you said no romance in the description but I hope you at least give us some Ichi/Hime action. Oh, and I imagine Kisuke and Isshin are gonna be told about all this too. I’m looking forward to it.
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