Just In
for Strawberry's Hidden Power

6/23/2020 c47 Steven
Very good
6/23/2020 c47 Tukang Bakso
Thanks for the update
6/22/2020 c46 4TheAbsoluteZero
Ichigo should have told the soul reaper that he had recieved help from the soul king and the royal guard. Whos is this new enemy that is coming?
6/21/2020 c5 Guest
Authors that bash are just too stupid to write anything intelligent. That case is just made stronger by how you have Zangetsu/White act as a SI instead.
6/21/2020 c4 Guest
Don’t get why White is doing this.
6/21/2020 c1 Guest
Canonically Orihime only healed one enemy during the series and that was Grimjow who didn't lose his arm here. To be specific in the anime the parts written by the original writer or rather based off of his work is canon so when Orihime healed others in filler it was written by other, terrible writters. I wonder how Grimjow not having lost an arm could influence things.
6/21/2020 c46 dogman999
Keep up the good work.
6/20/2020 c46 5cg037
A great update, keep up the good work.
6/20/2020 c46 naruto
great chapter keep it up
6/20/2020 c45 dogman999
Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see the aftermath of the fight.
6/18/2020 c45 NaaMaloom
Damn this story is so good. Can't wait to find out what happens next... Please update quick.
6/17/2020 c16 Reapercrone
Im only up to chapter 17 but how would ichigos spirits know all the informations about the soul society and the quincies and many others, they wearnt their for any of those events nor would they have the means to obtain the information
6/16/2020 c45 hadatko28
Epic chapter I lost all words. Cant wait confrontation between Ichi and others.
6/16/2020 c45 777torn777
There is always someone strong. New goal posts to hit. You can’t become complacent.
6/16/2020 c45 6Murderleo
no eres un asco, el asco es traductor google que no sabe hacer bien su trabajo
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