Just In
for After the Wars

1/9/2020 c6 Guest
Pls continue
12/25/2019 c6 Dittmedvetande
This is hilarious! I would love to see more!
12/23/2019 c6 kitkathiersche
This is adorable! Some how I accidentialy read the 6th chapter thinking it was the first... But I still loved it!
12/22/2019 c6 Guest
Nice fanfic!
12/21/2019 c6 12Falconress
This was a fun chapter! I'm surprised that Percy didn't kill anyone... Thanks for upholding your vow on the styx, and for updating so soon!
12/21/2019 c6 TimeBlade
I feel like I already read this somewhere else. Maybe it’s just me though.
12/21/2019 c6 Guest
Oops was this chapter for the other story?
Anyways both are amazing stories keep it up!
12/20/2019 c5 4A Random Boi
It’s the first time I see this fanfic and I absolutely adore it! It’s nice to see how the demigods would be like as teachers!
12/20/2019 c5 12Falconress
Fun! I'm glad that you added hazel, I really like her. I see that you are upholding your vow on the river styx. So here's mine. I swear on the river styx, that it orca2whale does not uphold his/her oath, I will send lots of pms and reviews telling him/her that they broke their vow. *thunder*
12/15/2019 c4 Guest
I realt like the story and hopens that you will continue it :)
12/15/2019 c4 Falconress
Ooh, interesting. This is a really good chapter, please update!
12/8/2019 c3 Falconress
Oh no, hagrid doughnuts? Well, pegasi might become extinct now. Fun chapter, keep writing!
12/8/2019 c2 Falconress
This is interesting, I can't wait for the update!
12/8/2019 c1 Falconress
Ah, that makes sense.
12/8/2019 c2 Guest
This is a amazing story you neeedddd to update soon!
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