Just In
for Loose Cannon

13h c85 anyalove
oh, who did he give the firebolt ultra to... i cant recall...
2/7 c84 anyalove
this is a great chapter. its amazing how many times i say that to myself while reading, until i get to the end of the chapter and i can find nothing but platitudes lmao i just love harrys self reflections on his morning runs. and im excited with the new chapter bc it hints at allllll the stuff still yet to come. its a long way to the top if you wanna rock n roll . . .
2/7 c83 anyalove
love it. ill post on all of the ones all of the time. im gonna download this now so im never stopped by anyones servers ever again lmao okay
2/1 c132 1Finnspa23
Good choice Harry. Plus maybe something will happen over the next three years.
2/1 c130 Finnspa23
This is definitely unique. Thanks for sharing
1/31 c126 Finnspa23
Is it safe to assume Harry is trying to work through his feelings of envy and arrogance with light magic like Davina instructed? Just off screen?
1/31 c122 Finnspa23
Fiona has grown on me certainly. Though I admit I liked the idea of Lisa Black and I felt bad for Gemma.
1/31 c118 Finnspa23
I quite enjoy Harry's relationship with Draco
1/30 c109 Finnspa23
Damn... really? I get Gemma, but the woman who's 7 years older with a son is who Harry is goin to pick? And what about Sophie? I'm honestly lost right now with where his head is at. So is he ... but can he get even the smallest relationship win?
1/29 c100 Finnspa23
Bring back the listener letters! Lol jk but I liked them a lot. Without scandals Harry seems less entertaining somehow.
1/29 c94 Finnspa23
Just figured I'd answer you A/N now before I forget. My favorite OCs are Lucinda, Davina, Alistair, Owen, and really the whole Cannons squad. I don't particularly like any of Harry's love interests because they all see him as so damaged. He very well may be but they're kind of patronizing and it's a bit insulting. Been flying through this story though and enjoying it immensely.
1/28 c162 Foster-the-Wizards
I love a good Draco chapter! This is such an amazing fic, I'm so happy you're publishing again
1/28 c162 cameron1812
Draco's perspective in this chapter is superb! Thank you!
1/28 c162 DogMonster
This story is delightful and you are a very talented writer.
1/28 c162 Dark Lord Tater Tot
Malfoy's patronus may be one of my favorite moments in this story. Really loving this story! thank you
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