Just In
for Spoils of a War

5/25/2020 c6 Eone
I really like this idea so far: exploring a normally obscure character (Gregorovich) and creating a new character (Galina) with interesting motivations, who is unique yet not Mary Sue-ish. I find Grindelwald's regime super interesting (especially since people don't normally write about it with any focus) so I'm very interested in seeing what you do next and how Tom fits in. (I'm dying to see how Dumbledore will react once he, hopefully, meets Galina). Keep up the good work!
5/24/2020 c5 1AvalonTheLadyKiller
Oh, how I have missed Galina. The owl returned much as I would have assumed. The Ministry is full of spies and undercover agents working for Grindelwald, I imagine. Can't trust anyone but yourself in these times. Gustav was acting a little strange when he returned, I do hope he didn't warn any authorities of her staying there. Honestly, I hope she asked him to keep the room another night as a formality, and plans to book it ASAP. She needs to be two steps ahead, as likely Grindelwald will be trying to jump ahead to stop her. I'm literally reading from behind my fingers at this point, waiting for the next jump scare. What a thrill! Can't wait to see what trouble she gets up to next time.
4/26/2020 c5 Guest
4/4/2020 c5 AvalonTheLadyKiller
Thoroughly enjoyed. It was an interesting twist to see her use the Imperius, but I honestly don't know who she could have trusted to get her on her way quicker. The longer she tarried on the street the more likely someone could have sighted her (if they worked for Grindelwald) or tried to rob her (which would've turned out very bloody on their end.) It was a good move but I worry that she shouldn't have given him her name. Will she obliviate him after? That would sooth my nerves a bit, especially with that being a very clear route to the UK if Grindelwald were to investigate any reports that a man was forced to bring a woman with him to Paris named Galina. This one has me more worried than this virus right now, which is probably a good thing! I'll be anxiously awaiting your new chapter. Until then, know that I'll be a wreck! *chuckles*
3/30/2020 c5 1godric777
nice chapter :)
3/16/2020 c4 1AvalonTheLadyKiller
Well done. This tale has captured me body and soul. This chapter was by far the hardest to handle, but such is the more gruesome aspects of war and unfettered violence. I approve of the way you handled this topic, and must commend you on your tasteful overall tone. I am hopeful to see how Galina will come about meeting the next Dark Lord. I am very hopeful to see Grindelwald get his taste of justice served to him. More so than any prison could do. He deserves only the darkest of punishments. I sincerely hope Voldemort will aide her in this feat.
3/14/2020 c4 AlexisDumbee
I like this!
2/28/2020 c4 1godric777
nice :) can't wait for next chapter
1/6/2020 c2 8Cassie-011
loving this!
12/25/2019 c1 Nicole1024
12/18/2019 c1 Guest
As long as Galina isn't rapped
12/17/2019 c1 TheRosePond
This is so good, I love the way you’ve written this!
12/17/2019 c1 Cassie-011
Oh I am intrigued! I kind of want Grindelwald to become infatuated with her as time goes by, and not just because she has the elder wand... I mean she has to have a great deal of talent to have been able to get the wand even if it was by practicing with her father in dueling.

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