Just In
for The Gift of Christmas

12/28/2019 c1 48Nickels39
Awwww I love this so cute
12/28/2019 c1 jrchandlerfan
Awe Foxy, I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you everyone for the reviews.
12/27/2019 c1 Foxyleo28
Awww thanks Chrissy you made me cry n I’m not even mad lol. This was so sweet n heartwarming. Just what I needed for my Dream spirit. Thanks friend.
12/24/2019 c1 5KittyKat06
Aww...I loved this. I even like it that Jason is Jason and still alive and in Port Charles in this one, because he (and Sonny and Carly) have to live in a world where Sam defected from the mob and has a happy life with Drew and her kids.
And I love your Priorities story as well even though I have been remiss in not reviewing.
12/24/2019 c1 20jrchandlerfan1
To the guest, this is just a one shot but thank you so much!
Awe thanks Chrissyfan. I love writing Danny and Scout. I really enjoyed writing Danny’s POV and got into his head more than any of the characters lol. Probably because I’m used to writing middle grade. I should write a story just from his POV.
12/24/2019 c1 chrissyfan
This was so sweet and so well done, I loved it. Danny is the best big brother and Scout is still pretty darn cute too. Very nice Drew/Sam squish. Okay, I spied another story with your name tagged to it.
12/23/2019 c1 Guest
Please write more of this story soon.

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