Just In
for The Christmas to Nowhere or to Somewhere?

12/28/2020 c1 Pamela
loved it

1/2/2020 c1 arcoiris0502
I loved it! It was so Liason.
12/27/2019 c1 kikimoo
Aww, so cute. Thanks
12/26/2019 c1 saraungerer
Loved it. So wish this would of happened on the show.
12/25/2019 c1 starhine
That was such a cute story. I also used to give out coupons for presents.
12/24/2019 c1 Spemma mason
Love this story big jason and liz fun
12/24/2019 c1 Pamela
that was pretty cool. Love the family interaction as it should be on GH.

12/24/2019 c1 fundays
Love it! Thanks. Happy Holidays
12/24/2019 c1 trini12180
I love this story
12/24/2019 c1 20jrchandlerfan1
Thank you notenoughlove and Chrissyfan.
Chrissyfan, I’m so glad you liked it. I went through some 1999 and 2006-2007 Liason clips for inspiration last night. They really have some unique moments. Merry Christmas!
12/24/2019 c1 chrissyfan
Awww you melted my heart. Elizabeth gets to go to Italy with her Jason...finally! Loved all the family time with the Webber boys. You captured every one to perfection and I loved all the liason tree references but it was the boys who made the ornaments. Really it was perfection. Thank you and have a wonderful Christmas.
12/23/2019 c1 78notenoughlove
I love this story. It is so cute. Jason and Liz are finally going to Italy. Yeah. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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