Just In
for Granny Morgaine

1/2 c24 1carola.beck93
i just found this story and just realized at the last chapter that it wasn't finished.
do you plan to continue?
i really liked it so far.
1/1 c24 3elvander72
Hoping you will continue this story.
12/22/2024 c24 7littleditto
This is very interesting! I look forward to seeing where you take this
12/7/2024 c12 SeparatriX
Interesting. I wonder if this Sirius Black is really the ancestor Sirius Black that was mentioned.
11/20/2024 c24 Guest
Was the story abandoned?
11/17/2024 c24 Shiya12
Please share the next chapters. Looking forward to reading them. Following the story for quite some years now.
11/14/2024 c24 1Lordel
Great story, I really enjoyed what you've written so far. I hope you get to finish it someday.
11/3/2024 c1 just a lone wolf
Was this story dropped? I was really into it. I have been following it since before your hiatus. I hope you end up finishing it because I love it
10/28/2024 c24 xoshortnsassy09
This story was addicting from start to the latest chapter. I actually read it all in 2 days. I seriously couldn’t put it down. Here’s to looking forward to what comes next.
10/20/2024 c24 Pyrotechnics
It is a shame that this story will most likely never be completed. It is truly one of my favourites.
10/9/2024 c24 Fox Sage 1
Update please.
10/1/2024 c18 AiymaSnikies
One thing I don’t understand is why doesn’t use his wand in the past. I know he brought Goa school stuff and since he’s in the past the tracking spell does student Atlanta work right?
9/27/2024 c1 AiymaSnikies
That was a really good beginning. Ive never actually learned about Camelot but this first chapter made me want to read up about it
9/21/2024 c24 Gabe2000
Loved this fic same as a tone of your other stuff. Any updates on how year four is coming along?
9/14/2024 c24 Guest
Please update
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