Just In
for A Spoonful of Sunshine

11/22/2021 c1 Reikuwu
Oh what! I didn’t expect there to be an occasion. I was more surprised than shinichi LOL
2/2/2020 c1 Guest
I hope you're not going to abandon Sky Colored Eyes That"s ny favorite KaiShin fanfic, anyway... I 're doing well
1/27/2020 c1 Guest
I'll definitely wait for Sky Colored Eyes :')
No matter how long :')
1/25/2020 c1 59Alshoruzen
Sweet and fluffy. The high heels were particularly funny, heh. Happy New Year.
12/31/2019 c1 233DPhantom
12/30/2019 c1 SB
This was a wonderfully sweet and fluffy story. I'm glad you're back! :)
12/29/2019 c1 3ilko
How sweet :) Kaito for best boyfriend
12/29/2019 c1 2Kabnondra
Cute! Poor Shinichi! he didn't even get to stab anyone with his heels!

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