Just In

1/25/2020 c4 1buddy02
Peaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee update soon! I’m loving this story so far, I really like how your pacing out the interactions between characters. This is one of those stories that are so good when you start reading you just want it all to be there
1/23/2020 c4 4MulishaMaiden
Can't wait for more to see where you are headed with this story! I am ready to learn more about Kala.
1/18/2020 c4 9Love.Fiction.2023
Liking this. Interested to see what your gonna do for episode 3.
1/17/2020 c4 RedWickedNinja
This is good
1/17/2020 c4 4Le055Li0n
Realy nice chapter
1/17/2020 c4 120ZabuzasGirl
Update immediately, please!
1/14/2020 c3 4Le055Li0n
looking forward to the next chapter
1/14/2020 c3 9Love.Fiction.2023
Like it.
1/14/2020 c3 120ZabuzasGirl
Update immediately, please!
1/14/2020 c1 ZabuzasGirl
Love it!
1/13/2020 c3 evangelyne789
super story.
1/8/2020 c2 1DarkRain4Eternity
pls update soon this is an very interesting start
1/5/2020 c2 9Love.Fiction.2023
Looking good!
1/1/2020 c1 Love.Fiction.2023
Ooh cool start!
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