Just In
for TheDemigods: A YouTube Fanfic

7/27/2021 c20 Wolf Nights
That means, if the trials of Apollo is happening… the Burning Maze is soon. And Jason will live in our hearts forever. (Ignore my sobbing)
4/21/2021 c3 1Ognicho
Stamplers4live XDDDDDD
2/10/2021 c25 Guest
This is a really good story
1/14/2021 c3 MCU fan
Someone should totally do this. A youtube chanell with costumes so it looks like they are really percy, nico etc. etc.
12/26/2020 c25 2Sunny20
This was pretty cute! It was a nice concept, but I just wish it had been a little longer! There were also a couple of typos. Other than that, I loved it. Great job!
12/10/2020 c25 Guest
Huh that was a lot less violent then I was expecting I was expecting. I was expecting Clarisse and Nico to attempt to stab everyone
12/8/2020 c25 Guest
12/8/2020 c25 12Falconress
Percy. Was the pun really necessary?
11/23/2020 c24 Guest
can you do a kiss marry kill game next
10/13/2020 c10 Hannlol
Oh no... I think Reyna just gave Hannibal indigestion...
10/13/2020 c22 2Addicted to Nico
What about they tell the fans where Nico goes to Mcdounalds and when for the day and stuff happen
10/13/2020 c24 Addicted to Nico
Well I never expected you to actully do that!
10/13/2020 c4 Addicted to Nico
I have a better idea than my stupid 1! Nico plans on going to McD U know where, but Annabeth and the others tell the fans and well Nico plus fan * Explodes*
10/13/2020 c24 1Chaosboi78
LOL! Nice chapter!
10/12/2020 c24 12Falconress
Nico: I aM tHe GhOsT kInG
Leo: Nico, they won't listen.
Nico: ...
Nico: dishonor.
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