Just In
for Nothing Lost

3/25 c52 ghawk70
Loved this story. Love your imagination and your writing. Thank you for sharing your ideas of the Caskett universe.
3/24 c30 ghawk70
She left him standing there and now I have tears. Im so invested with this doesnt take much. LOL! Love how you are interpreting their story.
3/24 c17 ghawk70
Wondered if you would put this in the story. Loving it so far.
11/16/2023 c1 55adcgordon
I'm late to the show, but wanted to let you know that I've spent the last few days reading this story and just LOVE it. I love the spin you've put on solving Johanna's murder, Bracken being taken into custody with Jordan Shaw leading that charge, and bringing Kate and Rick together so that he is fully there for her during/after the shooting.

This story seemed so fulfilling and was filled with lots of will they/won't they...will she/won't she moments that kept me reading and wanting more! I love the way you've weaved Alexis and Jim (and Martha too) into the mix of things and that you allowed Alexis to be concerned about Kate; about Rick and Kate's relationship; without making Alexis hate Kate or withdraw from her. And yes, making Jim 'Grandpa Beckett' was priceless!

Making us wait for Kate's 'I love you' proclamation was frustrating! LOL! But, I think you gave her good timing and it was a beautiful time when she finally felt comfortable enough to speak those feelings to Castle and allow herself to be happy and healing.

Wonderful story and so glad you shared it with us!

9/20/2023 c52 Scott Mays
I think I cried for twenty minute's at the end
Such a wonderful story. Thankyou!
2/17/2023 c17 Carbono
Aw you're kidding me! This was by far the most ridiculous part of the whole show. I was really hoping that you were going to fix it. Ok, a guy who has been getting away with stuff for however many years decides that he will hire a hitman to shoot a cop in front of hundreds of people!? Why in the hell would you bring that much attention to this case? It would actually become NATIONAL news! Hell even the hitman wouldn't have taken that job! The cool thing about fics is that you can fix the idiousy of some of their stories. Man I just spent hours reading this. Ya broke my heart. You were doing so well too. Gotta bail.
2/17/2023 c7 Carbono
The watch thing is very cute.
2/17/2023 c6 Carbono
Thank you for the "sulked" instead of pout! Lol using the word pout for a grown ass man just seems demeaning to me. I am surprised though that Castle couldn't write another Nikki book. Like Kate being able to solve crimes w/o Castle they both are able to do their jobs without the other. I always thought it was funny that a 5ft9 Esposito would be any threat to a 6ft2 Castle. Especially since Castle had disarmed & kicked the hell out of an armed Lockwood. Great chapter all in all. And now back to the show! Thanks!
2/17/2023 c4 Carbono
They both sure got underneath each others skin in a very short period of time! I hope that bodes well for them.
2/17/2023 c2 Carbono
I do have 1 question though, I know that this is supposed to be AU but Castle was kicked out at the end of season 1 according to this story (10 eps) season 2 (24 eps) ended after their 1st year as as partners; they haven't seen each other in close to 2 years, he's a rich, intelligent, good-looking playboy but in the few months they were partners he became so infatuated loved her so much he can't breath & can't write? She's damned hot but holy hell! Anyway, beckett to the story...
2/17/2023 c2 Carbono
I've recently started reading some Castle fanfictions & have found you to be 1 of the more credible & fair female writers regarding the Castle character. Yes, I'm still a fan of Nathan's & really find the completely unsubstantiated rumors pretty doubtful (Hello magazine?! Lol) but I also luv Stana! But here I'm talking about the show itself. Seasons 1-3 were very good but then AWM just started shredding the characters, ruining everything that had started out so well. Anyway, I am intrigued so far & will continue until 2 things begin to happen; 1 Castle is shown to be inept - in the show he actually saved Becketts life more times & was EXTREMELY important in helping to solve every case- & 2 if I see the word "pout" more than once . When in the name of God did Castle do all of this pouting!? I firmly believe it is a direct result of Chezchuckle readers. She's a great writer but she's also way too in love with Beckett. Which unfortunately was the character ruined the most throughout the seasons. Again, I luv Stana but Beckett became a stupid(I didn't know i was married), selfish, childish & slutty (Fkng Demming & Limey just to get back at Castle - Limey literally in the same episode that started with her admitting she loved Castle lol) & a liar.
11/25/2022 c52 JoBlaz
Brilliantly written. You have a gift and we are the recipients of your writing. Thank-you!
10/5/2022 c52 25Kat2107
Loved everything about this story! And the ending was really sweet. It was perfect
7/25/2022 c52 Jen5225
I was tentative about reading this story because I couldn't imagine Castle not being part of those two years and walking away. But somehow, it just works and the story was great!
7/23/2022 c1 cheriepinardi
What a fantastic story! I had a hard time putting it down.
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