Just In
for Nothing Lost

4/16/2021 c49 82Garrae
Awwww, lovely.
4/15/2021 c48 Castle4Eva
nothing better than Castle crawling into bed with Beckett to help her through a nightmare.
4/14/2021 c48 2mobazan27
This chapter was bursting with so many emotions, good. My review would for sure be longer than necessary if I touched upon everything that touched me...
Ummm, just came to me that I’ve been in this Caskett universe for over a year...a lot has happened to them and us.
4/12/2021 c48 Guest
Great chapter loved reAding this story thank you for writing it
4/12/2021 c47 mobazan27
This chapter was loaded in so many ways.
Alexis as a conduit for Beckett’s realization of her all-consuming obsession with Johanna’s murder seemed organic considering the girl’s close relationship with her dad. It showcased Beckett’s blatant disregard for Castle’s feelings.
The amalgamation of both family’s units was sweet.
It struck me as funny how Kate was concerned about little Castle’s cooking skills since she’s historically known to have all the take-out restaurants on speed dial.
4/10/2021 c48 helensorrento
Love this story, hopefully you update and complete it. Hate stories that never have an ending .
4/10/2021 c48 Aveburygirl
Dont be too long with another chapter please...I love this fiction xxx
4/9/2021 c48 Trude
lovely chapter
4/9/2021 c48 tallcajun
Good stuff here. Wish the canon dialogue could have brought Caskett to this level of understanding of each other. Thx for sharing and the super storytelling.
4/11/2021 c48 rina123nike
thank you for the update
4/10/2021 c48 23Swordwriter
Excellent chapter. Eagerly awaiting the next one.
4/10/2021 c48 dopeysac
So glad they could really talk. I loved the intimacy in this update. Looking forward to
4/10/2021 c48 19wendykw
Love the talk about family.
4/10/2021 c48 aleantotv
Bel capitolo pieno di emozioni e sentimenti chissà cosa accadrà grazie
4/10/2021 c48 life's a mystery
great update
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