Just In
for Nothing Lost

7/23/2022 c1 cheriepinardi
What a fantastic story! I had a hard time putting it down.
7/11/2022 c52 3nelope34
I LOVED this one! I got really behind on this story so I only just finished it but it was really sweet! And I loved that she proposed to him in the end! Great work!
3/20/2022 c52 25CileSuns92
Wow, what an epic story. It took me a bit to get through it, but no regrets! I loved to see their recovery together, it was beautiful to see their relationship blossom. And it was perfect how they arrested Bracken, how everything fell into place as they moved along.

Thank you for writing this!
2/19/2022 c52 GrandPaRick
I can see the dinner unfolding with them telling everyone about Kate visiting the cemetery, and all the somber memories that evokes, setting that stage, Rick finding her there and then springing the bit about Kate spontaneously proposing to Rick and, "drum roll, please" Rick reaches into his pocket, pulls out the ring and makes it official by putting it on her finger. "The crowd goes wild"! Yelling and screaming and crying and hugging and kissing continue for a considerable time.
1/26/2022 c52 Genie
Thoroughly enjoy the whole story.
Thank You...
10/18/2021 c52 Motte33
I finished reading the story today and I really like it. I especially liked your solution to Kate's mother's case. I will definitely read something from you again.
8/25/2021 c52 Guest
Wonderful story, just perfect.
8/19/2021 c23 4RCKBNFSK
What an emotional chapter, such highs and lows, wow!
8/15/2021 c6 RCKBNFSK
I read this in December not realizing that you were still working on it. Definitely worth reading again. Love the way he wrote a book as an apology and they are the only ones who understand that private message!
8/10/2021 c52 Deb838
Thank you for writing this story, I really enjoyed reading it.
8/10/2021 c52 3CaskettLover1969
This was one of the best AU from Kate's shooting I've ever read. How you closed Johanna Beckett's case without Kate being further involved was so great because I don't want to read any drama about that anymore. It's quite the same with Loksat. Some subjects of the show are annoying, although Johanna Beckett's case is something that formed Kate in some important way but your story was everything about Beckett & Castle and that was sweet and charming. Your writing is really awesome and after I had a 2 year break from Castle fanfiction, reading J.D. Robb, In Death series, your story was the first coming back.

If you ever consider a sequel, I would be happy to read it. :)
6/20/2021 c52 1Mooch
Really loved the story. Well managed and interesting changes to canon plot. Lovely interactions between characters. And such a nice ending. Thank you so much for giving me a very enjoyable holiday read.
6/2/2021 c52 Maria
This left me with the biggest grin on my face! I loved it. Thank you for sharing your writing.
5/25/2021 c52 guest
Just finished the story; What a wonderful ride; interesting and believable. Thank you so much for keeping these characters true and ongoing. Great ending.
5/22/2021 c52 PAM H
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