11/28/2021 c6 Guest
Nice to see an update.
Nice to see an update.
11/29/2021 c6 Foxyleo28
Julian can not be this strict will lead to bad things. Carly n AJ both trash I see. Jason well is Jason maybe when you give Liz he will stop getting run over
Julian can not be this strict will lead to bad things. Carly n AJ both trash I see. Jason well is Jason maybe when you give Liz he will stop getting run over
1/7/2021 c5 xLily.Reynoldsx
11/16/2020 c1 Chrissyfan
Hey Chrissy. Life is okay. Work is what it is, can't live with it and would be in a cardboard box without it. Otherwise, we are all still healthy, thankfully. We aren't under a mandatory stay at home order for now, but you never know when that could change. Hope all has been okay for you.
Hey Chrissy. Life is okay. Work is what it is, can't live with it and would be in a cardboard box without it. Otherwise, we are all still healthy, thankfully. We aren't under a mandatory stay at home order for now, but you never know when that could change. Hope all has been okay for you.
11/15/2020 c5
Thanks Chrissyfan! How are you? Is work going okay? I'm sorry it's been a while. Life's just busy. There's talks of another lockdown, but everything is just so unknown.

Thanks Chrissyfan! How are you? Is work going okay? I'm sorry it's been a while. Life's just busy. There's talks of another lockdown, but everything is just so unknown.
11/8/2020 c5 Chrissyfan
Really good update, Chrissy. Dear Lord, Carly is in full Carlybabes mode, she is such wench. I don't know if I should feel badly for Sonny or not. Apparently, he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Aww Nicholas and Robin, not Robin fan but she and Nic had some chemistry way back when. Grrr, Lizzie was blocked by Carzilla, oh it should be war now. I get Sam's angst and fear and she is pushing her parents away. Oh Julian, settle will ya, this little display won't help and I hope Drew can duck and or run.
Good to see you back Chrissy, I love priorities but I like you two newer stories equally as well. So if Priorities sits for a spell, no harm.
Really good update, Chrissy. Dear Lord, Carly is in full Carlybabes mode, she is such wench. I don't know if I should feel badly for Sonny or not. Apparently, he isn't the sharpest tool in the shed. Aww Nicholas and Robin, not Robin fan but she and Nic had some chemistry way back when. Grrr, Lizzie was blocked by Carzilla, oh it should be war now. I get Sam's angst and fear and she is pushing her parents away. Oh Julian, settle will ya, this little display won't help and I hope Drew can duck and or run.
Good to see you back Chrissy, I love priorities but I like you two newer stories equally as well. So if Priorities sits for a spell, no harm.
11/7/2020 c5
I know I said this last time but Teenage Carly is so much like Adult Carly it's scary. And now she's recruiting Jason into Sonny's business! (Which, by the way, Carly, is definitely not coffee.) Please let AJ win full custody of Michael for Michael's sake - maybe Dante can help - and I hope AJ/Sarah/the others are witnesses at this dance to full-fledged adult man Sonny dating a teenager.
Aww, the SamLexis scene broke my heart a little bit but the beginnings of cute kids Drew/Sam at the dance made me smile :)
Julian's scene with Lucas in the hospital and descriptions of Sam's monthly "phases" cracked me up. ROFL.

I know I said this last time but Teenage Carly is so much like Adult Carly it's scary. And now she's recruiting Jason into Sonny's business! (Which, by the way, Carly, is definitely not coffee.) Please let AJ win full custody of Michael for Michael's sake - maybe Dante can help - and I hope AJ/Sarah/the others are witnesses at this dance to full-fledged adult man Sonny dating a teenager.
Aww, the SamLexis scene broke my heart a little bit but the beginnings of cute kids Drew/Sam at the dance made me smile :)
Julian's scene with Lucas in the hospital and descriptions of Sam's monthly "phases" cracked me up. ROFL.
9/22/2020 c4
I liked the conversation with Nikolas and Sam. I always wished that we could see Sam embracing the Cassadine history and appreciating their history, and in this story, it's nice that you're acknowledging that while also allowing Nikolas and Sam to have a good relationship.
I loved Julian and Alexis talking about lucas and making sure they have time to devote to Sam and the baby while also taking care of Lucas.

I liked the conversation with Nikolas and Sam. I always wished that we could see Sam embracing the Cassadine history and appreciating their history, and in this story, it's nice that you're acknowledging that while also allowing Nikolas and Sam to have a good relationship.
I loved Julian and Alexis talking about lucas and making sure they have time to devote to Sam and the baby while also taking care of Lucas.
9/22/2020 c4 Chrissyfan
Ohhh, that Sarah Webber smack down was a thing of pure beauty. Thank you Chrissy.
So Carly and AJ are breaking up, hold on to your hat Mikey, its going to be a bumpy ride. Franco is creepy. Sam's defenses went up hard core when Julian told her about Lucas. It was nice to see her plan a jailbreak for Nicholas though. Hope Stefan just has a simple headache and there is nothing else going on with him.
Great update and welcome back.
Ohhh, that Sarah Webber smack down was a thing of pure beauty. Thank you Chrissy.
So Carly and AJ are breaking up, hold on to your hat Mikey, its going to be a bumpy ride. Franco is creepy. Sam's defenses went up hard core when Julian told her about Lucas. It was nice to see her plan a jailbreak for Nicholas though. Hope Stefan just has a simple headache and there is nothing else going on with him.
Great update and welcome back.
9/21/2020 c4
Sam's line about Nikolas and Stefan and even Alfred seeing her as nothing more than a spare was so sad but hopefully Sam and Nikolas can be cousin-friends and she can encourage him and help him to find his mom. Sam might feel left out from Alexis/Julian soon with poor Lucas so she might be spending more time at Wyndemere or with Nik. I'm with Alexis, I don't want Sam spending time with Franco, either.
Oh my gosh, teenage Carly is just. exactly. like. adult Carly. Haha, I *really* don't like her. Good on AJ for breaking up with her and wanting full custody of Michael!

Sam's line about Nikolas and Stefan and even Alfred seeing her as nothing more than a spare was so sad but hopefully Sam and Nikolas can be cousin-friends and she can encourage him and help him to find his mom. Sam might feel left out from Alexis/Julian soon with poor Lucas so she might be spending more time at Wyndemere or with Nik. I'm with Alexis, I don't want Sam spending time with Franco, either.
Oh my gosh, teenage Carly is just. exactly. like. adult Carly. Haha, I *really* don't like her. Good on AJ for breaking up with her and wanting full custody of Michael!
9/10/2020 c3 Guest
Oh no, Lucas! Will Sam be his donor? I hope you have Nikolas, Stefan, and Sam have a relationship. It sounds like Sam’s jealous of her cousin. I’d be curious about that. Of course, more Sam and Alexis, please!
Oh no, Lucas! Will Sam be his donor? I hope you have Nikolas, Stefan, and Sam have a relationship. It sounds like Sam’s jealous of her cousin. I’d be curious about that. Of course, more Sam and Alexis, please!
9/1/2020 c3 KDossey75
love this idea, can't wait to see what happens.
love this idea, can't wait to see what happens.
8/22/2020 c3 arcoiris0502
Sadly, Sam is alone with Franco. I see Carly is acting like her usual self. Poor Lucas. Sonny will never change.
Sadly, Sam is alone with Franco. I see Carly is acting like her usual self. Poor Lucas. Sonny will never change.
8/21/2020 c3 Chrissyfan
Great update! I figured that Lucas would have a medical emergency, but I wasn't sure if you were going to route of cancer or something else. So Carly ditches punishment and then leaves her mother taking care of her kid, that is classic Carly. Sarah, as in Sarah Webber? If so I hope Carly rips her hair out, this is one instance I'd pull up the camp chair, break out the smores and cheer Carly on. Yes, I dislike Sarah so much I'd set hurricane Carly on her. You have captured Franco as his creepy self, Sam would be safer with Helena. I'm glad you are updating this one still, it is a good story.
Great update! I figured that Lucas would have a medical emergency, but I wasn't sure if you were going to route of cancer or something else. So Carly ditches punishment and then leaves her mother taking care of her kid, that is classic Carly. Sarah, as in Sarah Webber? If so I hope Carly rips her hair out, this is one instance I'd pull up the camp chair, break out the smores and cheer Carly on. Yes, I dislike Sarah so much I'd set hurricane Carly on her. You have captured Franco as his creepy self, Sam would be safer with Helena. I'm glad you are updating this one still, it is a good story.