Just In
for The Other Potter

6/23/2024 c12 m.inglitz
I love your book so much and I really enjoyed reading it. I hope you will continue updating.
6/1/2024 c12 Angeliquevanwell
please update this amazing story
4/12/2024 c12 Kannavar
I hope for a sequel someday
12/21/2023 c2 AzogtheDefiler83
Whens the next update its been a while
11/21/2023 c12 laurahovey04
I would like to see more chapters.
9/17/2023 c12 HanzaLaurus
Please update this masterpiece! I love it.
9/3/2023 c12 kolroling
You have me excited for what is to come next in the future, you really are putting into perspective on how the supposed "evil enemy" plight is perceived during the war!
Really looking forward for what's to come!
8/26/2023 c1 guest
can you pls update i check every 4 days
8/11/2023 c1 AzogtheDefiler83
Update please
8/9/2023 c8 AzogtheDefiler83
please update
8/9/2023 c1 AzogtheDefiler83
More please when the next update
7/21/2023 c12 AzogtheDefiler83
Whens the next update please
6/13/2023 c12 Potter-Riddle
This is still my favourite. I check every month to see if you have updated. Don't keep us waiting longggg _
5/3/2023 c12 laurahovey04
When is the next chapter coming
3/17/2023 c12 Guest
Porque presiento que uno de estos días James hará algo tan radical y más allá del perdón, que hasta el mismo se dará cuenta que hasta decir un " lo siento " no será posible ni bien recibido
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