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for When Demigods Use DNA Testing Kits(A Percy Jackson Fanfic)

10/14/2022 c3 Guest
I looked at the title and was like” .OKAY THEN.”
7/24/2022 c3 Guest
Poor Nico- it's the family lol we dont talk about that side of the family lol. We need more omg lol I cant stop laughing oh god I wonder what itd be like for da others
7/26/2021 c3 45Black' Victor Cachat
An interesting and believable story idea. Nice work! :-D
6/4/2021 c3 Guest
Could you do the others doing the test to?
6/6/2021 c3 22Dawn.justice
this was amazing
6/5/2021 c3 1akisabookworm
Lol this is so good tho !
6/5/2021 c1 4Authorforeverything
Great but you put an extra t in Annabeth in the last paragraph.
6/4/2021 c3 2NiHaR OP
hah a unique concept, i really like this maybe u could make this a story
3/24/2020 c2 10nicodiangelolovah
I like this ending.
3/24/2020 c2 12Falconress
2/25/2020 c1 eerie forest
Dear lord please give us more of this please
2/8/2020 c1 53AquaEclipse
XD oh gods, it's the family… no one ever talks about the family…
2/8/2020 c1 10nicodiangelolovah
lol! that was hilarious! poor Nico...
2/7/2020 c1 NRE
love it !
2/7/2020 c1 6Daggers And Daisies
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