Just In
for Welcome to the (insane) world of Pokémon

2/10 c136 Hwang Manuel
Well thats just peachy. Hey Darkrai-
2/10 c134 Hwang Manuel
so i forgot to ask, wasnt there a man and a woman who were key to the whole incident solving? (and what happened to lickylickyman?)
2/10 c133 Hwang Manuel
plus side, not too long untul arceus movie. but also thats what the two mons dont want
2/10 c131 Hwang Manuel
Oh shit.
2/9 c138 Iseku
Feels good to be back, that whole arc was a shitshow through and through but Dust bared it by the skin of his teeth, and now we get training arcs and fluff? Sign me UP!
2/9 c108 Hwang Manuel
next thing we know its gonna be candy.
2/9 c106 Hwang Manuel
Oh Fuck No not flappy bird!

also heh, surprise creeper.
2/9 c103 Hwang Manuel
Oh boy x2
2/9 c102 Hwang Manuel
2/9 c101 Hwang Manuel
She's alive(?)! Hooray(?)!
2/8 c83 Hwang Manuel
Damn. Just damn.

also happy in-context birthday!
2/8 c80 Hwang Manuel
pokemon just went scp wtf- *reads end note* oh (lol)
2/8 c73 Hwang Manuel
hah, bullet dodged.
2/8 c72 Hwang Manuel
Dust, i will murder you if the golden gun isnt Heartgold
2/8 c71 Hwang Manuel
i wonder if the place has cameras lol
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