Just In
for Aemon the DragonWolf

5/22/2023 c6 Estis68
I just read the first 6 chapters of this story and I really want to read the rest so I really hope you haven't abandoned this story until you update it soon.
3/10/2023 c6 Batros940
Hope to read more soon.
10/19/2022 c6 Princess of Greenwood2
Write more soon please.
8/24/2022 c6 LunaLuna99999
Great start to a story
8/28/2021 c6 Sageofchaos
hope to read more.
8/28/2021 c6 Guest
We want more
7/27/2021 c6 Guest
We thirst for more soon please
5/19/2021 c6 Guest
We thirst for more soon please
5/5/2021 c6 SvenTheDecoy
abandoned already? troublesome
4/30/2021 c6 anja.quickert.9
4/7/2021 c6 Guest
More soon please
3/5/2021 c6 25Arantxa2020
Keep up the good work.
2/17/2021 c6 1Yamajiji
This was pretty cool. Jon knows now, wonder when he’ll get Dragonstone? Fuck Catelyn Tully though. She’s a bitch. Nice chapter.
2/17/2021 c6 Zeon07
I love this story. Its a nicer take on the series where Robert got the closure he needed after the war and he and Cersei actually have a loving relationship especially knowing that in canon she did love him at some point but because of his vices she grew to hate him.

But I also like the direction that the story will go with Robert actually trying to be a good king and the unspoken alliances formed by the death of Lyanna.

I cant wait to see how the story progresses, Im hoping that with the changes, we might get to see Ned actually raise Theon to be a good man before all or the mess that happened in canon
2/17/2021 c6 Force Smuggler
And now, Jon's life has changed forever.
Can't wait to see where it goes.
Suck it, Cat!
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