Just In
for Aemon the DragonWolf

3/5/2020 c4 birdy
this is such a interesting read please update as soon as you can please
2/28/2020 c4 Poseidon3000
good fic
2/27/2020 c4 Ruki88
Nice story though I'm surprised that Arthur and the others accepted for Jon to be usurped. Can't wait to know more about his life in Winterfell. :)
2/26/2020 c4 Joseph Sage
Enjoying your story and looking forward to seeing where you go with it, but perhaps spend a bit more time editing the chapters as i have noticed a few spelling errors, nothing major just a letter missing now and again and perhaps read it or get some else to read as some parts don't read properly, oh try not to change pov so much as it can get confusing or if you need to say whos pov it is. Like the ideas you have got and was wondering if you are going to put in a scene where they talk about strengthening the Nights Watch, there is more i want to add about the future but i won't as I want to see where you go.
2/25/2020 c4 Shawn Pickett
Enjoying the story thus far, one point though, why keep Jon/Aemon's true identity a secret for Caitlyn? In the books it was an effort to shield his family from Robert's wrath if it became known, I understand keeping it generally a secret for Aemon's protection, but wouldn't it make sense to clue her in? Regardless, I'm curious to see how much things change from the initial pebble cast by Robert learning the truth from Lyanna, if Robert is a better king and not a drunkard, will Petyr be able to pull of his little schemes as easily?
2/25/2020 c4 kgarz01
If Jon is to be the future lord of Dragonstone under Robert's Crown, then wouldn't it make more political sense to betroth Myrcella and Jon.
2/25/2020 c4 2daspeedforce
Yes Cersei would cheat. She wanted Jaime as as part of the Kingsguard in the first place so she had access to him. This was before he was even sworn into the kingsguard by Aerys and their final denial by Aerys. Its in character for Cersei to believe she has right to fuck her brother.
2/25/2020 c4 4Supremus85
Ned, Ned, just tell her th truth, please.
2/25/2020 c4 birdy
what a great and interesting read please please update as soon as you can please i cant wait for the next chapter
2/23/2020 c3 birdy
please update as soon as you can please this is such a great and interesting read please update as soon as you can please
2/21/2020 c1 Guest
"You are right, Jon. if Tywin reaches the Kings Landing, I fear for the ones inside. Especially Princess Eliand her Children." After a pause Robert looked to Ned and said, "You have to take the army and reach there before he does. I can't travel with my wound, but you can."

Um, why? Why would Robert think think that?
2/20/2020 c3 Shad0wRider97
Good chapter, it would be really interesting for Robert and Cersei to have a decent marriage. The only reason that Cersei's children were bastards of Jaime was because of the fact on their wedding night Robert moan Lyanna names. I think if Robert and Cersei has a good marriage life you have opened yourself to many different scenarios. I mean for instance Cersei may point out to Robert that he may want to have someone from the north to be his Master of Coin and Balish would be caught for treason a lot sooner since he won't be able to convince Cersei that it's better to keep him alive like he did multiple times in the TV series.

Overall you have a interesting story going and if this story continues...see where it goes.
2/20/2020 c3 6penmaster cole
stay the course, I'm really interested to see how Robert and cersei relationship plays out
2/20/2020 c3 Guest
Unless you sent Jaime away I can't see cersie being faithful to Robert also this Robert seems oc
Robert even if he married Lyanna will never be faithful to her
2/20/2020 c3 2daspeedforce
Nah with Jaime there its not possible for their marriage to be fruitful.
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