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for The Ascendance of the Overlord and the Shield

11/26/2024 c11 gazingvoid
... That, literally makes no sense. lmfao. If you had paid attention. or maybe you forgot?

the heroes were never really meant to work together. Each legendary weapon is from a completely separate world.

the only reason they're together in this world is because the worlds got fused together as part of the "self proclaimed goddesses's plan.

and. even now. each country was supposed to only summon one of the heroes each to defend the different countries from the waves. because duh. there is more than one country getting hit at a time. and it's gonna get even worse later.

why would he get a debuff for keeping the others out. when they weren't supposed to work together to begin with? again. it makes absolutely no sense. another convolution to make it more interesting i guess?

i get tired of writers that do this. especially if it's against the rules of the world itself. unless previously established.

like. if you were going to use this convlution. then you have to establish that they're actually supposed to work together. nothing about the weapons shows that though.

in fact they literally repel, and weaken eachother. as world items from different worlds. why do you think they don't allow the user to gain xp when they're near each other?
11/26/2024 c4 gazingvoid
um no. it has more to do with an obsession with power. all the cursed series weapons have more to do with negative emotions.

something that ainz really can't express because of his undead status. basically. as soon as he comes even close to unlocking one. he gets shut down.

so he really couldn't unlock the curse series. even if he wanted to. cause he would have to reach a point emotionally that he is fundamentally incapable of reaching.

he could wipe out all life, and still not unlock a single curesd weapon. ironically. that would be the fastest way to leave for him.

but he doesn't know that. and i think the dregs of humanity he clings to would stop him from just killing everyone outright, even if he did.
10/10/2024 c12 1Overlard77
Hey, I know it's been a while, but do you plan to update this story. I like it, although if you're busy I understand
9/17/2024 c1 wtf
imagine censoring the word Lucifer. the fuck is wrong with you?
8/21/2024 c12 TheRavengirl101
Ahhhh this is my favourite! It's so good I love it please keep it up I can't wait for ainz to meet up with Pandora and for him to get revenge. Ainz can send things through a portal to nazarick, does that mean he could push the leader of the church through into nazarick with a note for demiurge :p ahhh I can't wait please keep this up! :D
6/18/2024 c12 MKXMegasXLR
3/13/2024 c12 2moosejuice5
By far the best shield hero fic
3/10/2024 c12 Guest
Please continue this series! It’s amazing!

Ainz should have a lot of potions but not infinite, there must be a hard limit on his body.
Resurrection failed but this is both good, and bad for the story in my own opinion so I can’t judge.
Ainz should go to the other countries, even if it is not to talk to them, just to stop more waves, gain exp, and find treasure, Ainz is a collector. (Can you make Ainz use summons to protect some other nations if he himself does not go, it doesn’t cost him much, and he can use these soldiers for information.)
3/10/2024 c12
Please continue this series author! It’s an amazing fanfic!
2/12/2024 c12 Neonbaron
Really happy to see you've been updating the story since I last read it. I think you do capture the characters well especially considering the circumstances they're in.
If you do plan to still continue the story I am looking forward to what will happen.
1/25/2024 c12 2LaEmporoar
Loved the chapter, just wish it wasnt a cliffhanger. Hopefully you continue writing this at some point.
1/21/2024 c7 capitalist banter
This is a fun fic, would love to see more updates.
1/13/2024 c12 Guest
Hey don’t worry about it, write when you can, and if you want to. Loving this series, and I for one am more than willing to wait a full year or more for another chapter, I’ve waited longer for less
1/13/2024 c10 Guest
I actually really liked this chapter! Great work as usual
1/14/2024 c1 v is en in EU
This is a very good story I'm quite sad that this is probably dead it was a good time Overall to read thank you make sure to enjoy your day
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