Just In
for Trust Issues

4/13/2022 c20 max2013
Frank, Joe was right to yell at you and the right also belongs to Anna and your mom and dad-get used to it! Congrats on the wedding-making update waiting bearable!
4/11/2022 c19 2Alexandria.Nymphadora
So did Ilse kill herself before the hospital killed her?
3/29/2022 c19 79Paulina Ann
Wow! I was not expecting the Nash suicide! Can't wait to see where you take this!
3/29/2022 c18 Paulina Ann
I didn't mind this Chet chapter at all! Very nice! I haven't been getting my chapter notifications. Naughty FFN
3/25/2022 c19 Candylou
It is good that joe had chet, tony, and liz to back him up and help him and frank. Joe should have known he couldn't fool Fenton and that has father could figure out what was happening. If Fenton was worried enough, he would probably check on frank himself, and wouldn't like what he saw. Because he probably knows exactly where frank and joe are. I know Joe isn't very happy with their client right now. Did Nash really kill himself or was he killed by someone else? One thing for sure, it seems like there is something else to this. Update as soon as you can.
3/25/2022 c19 16Jilsen
Thank goodness Frank came around. Liz is definitely an asset. Glad she is still out there investigating and passing information onto Joe. Nash's death could be suicide, but it could also be murder. Can't wait to find out which it is.

Thanks for the update!
3/24/2022 c19 sm2003495
Omg, it's so hard to read abt Frank being in that state. But so glad Joe is able to take care of him..wonder who killed Nash..I am coming up totally empty..waiting for your next update!
3/24/2022 c19 33Xenitha
Great chapter but love the further complication!
3/24/2022 c19 BMSH
I'm just thinking about the physical conditioning Frank's going to have to do and it's making me exhausted! Love the Joe perspective and that he and Kara have Sunday lunch with his parents. Looks like things are looking up - but Nash's "suicide" seems fishy. Glad you've already got more written!
3/23/2022 c19 8ErinJordan
good chapter looking forward to more please update soon thanks
3/23/2022 c19 max2013
Really glad Frank awoke-Nash-suicide or murder?! Joe, you are in deep, deep trouble with your mom-can you survive her wrath?
3/23/2022 c19 MargaretA66
Oh wow, restraints, Doctor is gone... What sort of operation was this?
3/12/2022 c18 16Jilsen
Chet - in your universe - is now one of my favorite characters! Was so happy to see this new chapter. Excellent work. I loved how you tied up all the loose ends surrounding the rescue. I also liked how you brought in Liz and used her. Looking to the next chapter.
3/10/2022 c18 33Xenitha
Another great chapter. I can't wait for the next one!
3/9/2022 c18 Candylou
Sounds like Frank has a long and tough road ahead. Chet has gotten a lot of information. Deborah did they right thing by coming forward. I am sure Liz goes the right away to get the information out there. I hope joe can get frank through this, and I know he had a lot on his plate right now. Good thing he had such trusting friends to depend on because this will probably gets worse before he gets better. They also definity need their parents right now because they need all the help and support they can get. Update as soon as possible.
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