Just In
for Trust Issues

3/9/2022 c18 BMSH
You keep everything interesting! Had a brain flash - how about a Deborah/ Megan pairing? You've made Chet into a character to whom a whole chapter can be given without disappointment!
3/9/2022 c18 max2013
Thank you for this insight it was needed-glad next chapter update will be faster.
3/9/2022 c18 MargaretA66
Oh boy! hope Chet stays safe and gets put soon.
3/9/2022 c18 Jane Darner
A great chapter to this wonderful story. Excellent work
2/5/2022 c17 Candylou
Good thing frank is out of here,. He might not have lasted too much longer. Like chet's friend, helping them to escape. Looking forward to more. Update when you can.
2/5/2022 c17 16Jilsen
Thank goodness Frank is out of there! I am so relieved. Of course, he's not out of the woods yet. He needs medical attention .. SERIOUS medical attention. Yes, Tony, floor it!
I tell you, the things Frank and Joe do for a job.

Oh, and I knew Felix was going to be helpful! So glad he got a part, albeit a small one, in the rescue.

Great chapter, Leya!
2/3/2022 c17 33Xenitha
Whew! You did it! Now, let's get to the cottage and see how they bring that doctor to justice! Oh, and see how Frank is doing :) I've always thought it was too bad none of their friends had paramedic training...
2/3/2022 c17 79Paulina Ann
Ooooo such an exciting chapter! And so much Joe! Can't have too much of him. LOL But I'm having problems picturing him as a tanned brunette. LOL I'm sure he's still fabulous! Are you going to have him wipe that number off his hand before he gets home or are you going to let Kara see it? I'm sure she'll get a laugh. :) Great chapter and a totally believable way of getting Frank out. He will owe his brother a BIG thank you for this one!
2/3/2022 c17 8ErinJordan
please update soon thanks
2/3/2022 c17 ErinJordan
awesome update please post soon thanks
2/2/2022 c17 BMSH
Good job Joe! You tell at Frank as long as you want.
2/2/2022 c17 1Eaglator23
Yay! Another chapter. This was really good. Thanks for writing!
2/2/2022 c17 max2013
WOW-AMAZING RESCUE-about time too!
2/2/2022 c17 MargaretA66
Shew, He's out!
1/20/2022 c16 4FlowrGrl77
Great story.

Nice to see Chet get adequate attention in a story, too. I think you write it well.

Look forward to reading more!
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