Just In
for Waifs and Strays

11/30/2024 c31 2Spriggan
So sweet and fluffy!
5/5/2023 c31 Serennos
A wonderful re-read. Totally adorable. Thank you.
4/24/2023 c10 M
"How can you have so much wisdom & such poor table manners" would make a great T-shirt!
Thank you for the fic
4/12/2023 c12 Nelli Natisha
I lost it when he said he had two flatmates.. The best part is he technically not lying.
4/12/2023 c11 Nelli Natisha
I love his thoughts cause he's here so proud of her watching her blossom. I can't be mad at him anymore. it spiraled out of control and he's trying here.
4/11/2023 c4 Nelli Natisha
I can't be mad at him. He's being kinda sweet in a weird way.
4/11/2023 c3 Nelli Natisha
The irony of calling him Malfoy would've been hilarious. Also the spelling of his pet name. "Benedick". I understand it's from a play but it's also a play on words cause he BEEN a dick. and I LOVE that
7/23/2022 c31 2Light on the Horizon
Great story!
4/8/2022 c31 TtotheA
Such sweet stories with a depth of emotions
4/8/2022 c28 TtotheA
…keeping appointments! ️
4/7/2022 c23 TtotheA
I am entranced by this story. Draco’s emotional range in your stories is so lovely
4/1/2022 c31 16EndlessRdr2022
Aww. This was an interesting and unique twist. I couldn’t read fast enough.
2/23/2022 c31 2SpSt
super story!
11/1/2021 c31 JL54R
I came across this something like 2 years ago. I had added it to my favorites as it was good, but not too far along. I ended up finding it again, now complete, and would like to say you did an amazing job.
10/29/2021 c31 biblich0r
I absolutely loved this... I was in tears near the end, such a beautifully written story. Thank you so much for sharing this!
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