Just In
for Priorities 3: Rule of V-Town

6/27/2020 c57 Foxyleo28
Chrissy Chrissy now you know I love you so I’m not gonna say what I said out loud in a scream in my room that made my kids come running to see what happen. I’m going to head to the next story tomorrow cause I need to go to sleep after that scream lol
6/12/2020 c53 3ghfan51184
I love how Danny got through to Scout to help her get in the dub so that she could wash her hair and so that she wouldn't be afraid of the water. I love their relationship, and wish we'd get to see it on GH. I love how you've developed Scout even as a 4 year old in the beginning of the sotriesstories.
6/12/2020 c48 ghfan51184
Oh wow! hat was intense! I really thought Scout was going to die. I'm so glad Sam went in and was talking to her and now she has a heartbeat!
6/12/2020 c46 ghfan51184
oh no! I'm sure they'll get to scout though, at least, I hope they will. or, Maybe Angelica will save her.
6/12/2020 c45 ghfan51184
I love the name Franklin! Great name for a puppy!
6/12/2020 c44 ghfan51184
As happy as I am that they were celebrating Willow's birthday, it should have been focused on Molly and Kristina too. They were kept away from their family too for three years and had to go through a lot just like Willow, but the birthday for her was nice. I love that Danny got Willow the chess board for her that ha made himself, and I love that Molly's pregnant, Danny, Drew, Sam, Scout and Willow are gonna get a puppy!
6/12/2020 c40 ghfan51184
I'm glad scout's going to go to therapy. I love Elizabeth and stephen's reactions after seeing their parents. We can't blame them for feeling the way they do.
6/12/2020 c39 ghfan51184
What a nice surprise. I wonder what Elizabeth's reaction's going to be?
6/12/2020 c38 ghfan51184
This is the second story that I've read where Elizabeth's mother's name is Carolyn, and I like it! Good twist! I hope that Danny will help them find Elizabeth. Poor Scout. I felt so bad for her. I also like the idea that Danny and scout are going to try to plan something for Willow's birthday even though it was a lie right now.
6/12/2020 c37 ghfan51184
I love it! carly fell down the shaft! Good enough for her! Love Angelica and Danny too. I'm so glad she's not calling him her slave anymore. That annoyed me.
6/12/2020 c34 ghfan51184
That's creapy what's going on with carly, but I love it! I really hope Danny, Sam and Willow can have that conversation when she sees them again. I'm glad willow and Danny patched things up. I'm also glad that Bobbie took advantage of Carly going to the clinic and had her get the procedure done.
6/12/2020 c33 ghfan51184
I love that they're all starting to live lives normally again, but really? A schoolhouse just like in the days of Little House on the Prairie where one section of the school is for the younger grades and then another school for the older kids? They're really going old school! haha. It's okay though. I understand why you're doing that.
6/12/2020 c32 ghfan51184
I love Alexis and Sam's relationship, and i love that she's encouraging Sam to feel somewhat hopeless about what's going on, but to be there for willow even if she's not going to live with her or not, and stop taking things personally where Willow's concerned. I also like that she's telling Sam to also do things just with Danny too. They're really come a long way and it's been nice to see on GH, and even here in your story too.
6/12/2020 c31 ghfan51184
I'm so glad Danny saw Angelica again! I really like their little thing they have going on there. At first, it kind of annoyed me, but they're growing on me. I can't wait to see what they end up doing. I hope finally Carly relents and gets the procedure done. Poor Bobbie. I'm glad Julian's recovering nicely too.
6/12/2020 c30 ghfan51184
I hope that Willow and Danny can have a conversation where he can explain why he acted that way because of what he heard. Although, I don't think he should have been listening, but hey. He needed that perspective I think to be able to understand Willow and how she's dealing with everything. Good chapter!
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