Just In
for PJOHoO Song Parodies

9/19/2022 c1 Guest
Hearts and kisses to the bright mind who wrote this!
6/4/2021 c16 JjlovesPJO
This fits the demigods no cap
10/25/2020 c19 53AquaEclipse
Heck yeah, How Far We've Come!
10/25/2020 c19 12Falconress
Nope. Noope. Too real right now.
7/10/2020 c18 flourescentcats
I LOVE IT! It's amazing! Who told you your quality's dropping? Because it's not...
7/9/2020 c18 Falconress
3/23/2020 c17 Falconress
It's perfect for them!
3/20/2020 c16 Falconress
This is one of my favorite songs, ever.
3/7/2020 c15 Falconress
This song fits really well.
3/6/2020 c15 53AquaEclipse
Tip to author: check spelling and paragraphing. Especially paragraphing. Thanks.
3/4/2020 c14 12Falconress
Once upon a December. I love this song!
2/25/2020 c10 53AquaEclipse
*laughing like mad* Example of life as a demigod? Not necessarily, we're talking one of the OP, "extraordinary" cases here, normal demis are... heh.
BTW love the parodies, especially these. (Shh!)
2/23/2020 c13 12Falconress
I love it! Wow, those lyrics for perfectly!
2/22/2020 c12 Falconress
Ahg! I haven't watched frozen two, so I don't know the tune!
2/20/2020 c11 Guest
Beautiful *wipes tear from eye*
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