Just In
for In Pursuit Of Magic: A Self-Insert

15m c161 Morrowing
Exciting turn of events!
1h c161 Jack1nTheBox
ugh, fucking skeeter, she never fails to piss me off whenever she appears in FF. she's never used creatively either, it's always the same gimmick. well, I can't say she's not canon conpliant, i suppose.
8h c130 Hwang Manuel
Every time i see the name Wood my brain automatically responds with "Silence, Wood." lol
9/18 c116 Hwang Manuel
Huh, wait, i thought voldemort's vessel get red eyes? did he cover them? or do they just dismiss it as weird stuff?
9/18 c108 Hwang Manuel
Huh, gellert probably included the use of the pensive in the NDA right?
9/18 c99 Hwang Manuel
Out of curiosity, would it have been a technical out of bounds loss if you tossed someone to the trees? lol
9/18 c96 Hwang Manuel
would expelliarmus be ironically not as good a spell to use in combat if you cant do it chantless due to how long the name is? lol
9/17 c77 Hwang Manuel
Oh no xD
9/17 c72 Hwang Manuel
Heh, firstie.
9/17 c70 Hwang Manuel
9/17 c69 Hwang Manuel
"Magicplace" HAHA
9/17 c63 Hwang Manuel
ngl i half expected him to cast void but i guess theres way too much odds of splash zone?
9/17 c45 Hwang Manuel
hell yeah, no skeeter
9/17 c43 Hwang Manuel
Yer a pirate, Hagrid.
9/17 c40 Hwang Manuel
you know, one thing is to call a fic a slow burn, but honestly? i think this is really well paced.
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