Just In
for Adventures of a Supernatural College Student

6/13/2020 c2 44Revantio
This has interesting premise and good writing! definitely waiting for the continuation
4/2/2020 c2 1Idoray
j'adore hâte de lire la suite
3/27/2020 c2 Set Andromeda
I really like this, it's different and unique compared to a lot of the other stuff I've read.
It's refreshing to read a story about a oc that's actually unique In some way.
I hope for more soon.
3/25/2020 c2 Energy flow
3/14/2020 c1 1ArchivesofaDreamer
An InterestingPromising start! this is what I'd like to see in this kind of story, Look forward to what you've to offer. keep it up good works!
3/13/2020 c2 2surgeonlaw
oh, this is off to a great start! I really like your writing style and I am so curious where this all will take Romeothank you for writing this!:)
3/13/2020 c2 HuntressTG
I see a new rising star. This story has to reach top ten.
3/9/2020 c1 StormSlitner
ehh just set sail and let fate do its job thats how one piece works
3/6/2020 c1 Guest
I suggest he find a job at either the bar where roger was at by running into the owner somehow or either work as a temp maybe for marines where smokers at. He can learn combat techniques from either and run into a devil fruit of your choice since he average and doesn’t have a specialized skill.
3/1/2020 c1 NoSignal87
Really interesting so far. I agree with the A/N about how hard it would be to survive on an abandoned island with a sea king and submarine in it. But I hope to see more in the future.
2/27/2020 c1 MentalForge
Looking forward to reading more!
2/27/2020 c1 TwistLuck.L
well not bad and
good base to understand what going in his head

just hoping that he wont join Luffy crew ...
2/26/2020 c1 ARandomReaderRR
Well shit...i am intrested...look all i ask is that mc isnt in luffys crew and travels out like a year before building so its cool...hell you made a new creature...make some new shit up...ex..the giant trutle?...keep mc op and one man army...since it supernatural maybe give him, a power like that...say vector manupilation like accerelator...its op...just no other SI or people with special powers...then it becomes boring...add some romance and fluff...if harem keep it small...just build it and no AU would be intresting...goodluck

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